Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora


Friday, April 7, 2017

I'm sure by now you've all heard the news...
(Where's the Bad Medicine when you need it?!)  ;)

Bon Jovi Postpones Madison Square Garden Tour Stops: Exclusive

Frontman Jon Bon Jovi has been fighting bronchitis since the weekend.

Based on doctors' recommendations, Bon Jovi’s concerts at Madison Square Garden on Friday and Saturday will be rescheduled to next week, Billboard has exclusively learned.
The postponement is due to the bronchitis that frontman Jon Bon Jovi has been fighting since last Saturday.
"The decision was difficult to make, but made in the interest of delivering the full, powerhouse performance for which Bon Jovi is known," according to a band spokesperson.
Tickets purchased for Friday's show will be honored on April 13, and Saturday's tickets will be honored on April 15.
For more information on the rescheduled dates, visit, the Madison Square Garden website and

Review: Bon Jovi PPG Paints Arena, Pittsburgh 4/5/17

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Bon Jovi cuts PPG Paints Arena show short with sore throat

Bon Jovi, the band, was sounding a little off at PPG Paints Arena Wednesday night, and then Jon Bon Jovi put his finger on it.

He was almost halfway there, after doing “Runaway,” when he revealed that he’s had a cold since Saturday night: “I think I'm singing like s--- tonight, and I apologize… but I'm gonna keep pushin’ on and if you stick it out with me, I'll stick it out with you.”

He was right to come clean. You could hear the scratchiness in his throat, and the sound mix, with the bass amped up like King Kong stomping through Uptown, wasn't doing him any favors. He dropped down to some raspy whispers over the verses and lots of cringe-worthy flat notes on the choruses.
This was Bon Jovi’s first trip to town with the full band since 2013. Before that, he sold out consecutive nights at the arena in 2010. This time, the show hit Groupon, and on Tuesday, the Steelers, who were not the promoters, sent out an offer to season ticket holders for $10 concert tickets.

What went wrong? Was it backlash for supporting Hillary Clinton in October? Was it the awkward intrusion into people's living rooms in that DirectTV commercial? Something cooled off the fanbase on this visit.

It’s certainly not a lack of radio play, and the band even had a No. 1 album last year with “This House is Not for Sale.” The title track was the dramatic show opener, played behind a curtain with projected video of Pittsburgh roads leading right to PPG Paints Arena. 

It was a promising start, and seemed enough like a regular Bon Jovi party in the Burgh, because Bon Jovi hits are pretty uncomplicated and all break into big choruses for everyone to sing along. The crowd helped out, in more ways than one.

“This is the day when I need a karaoke singer,” he said. “Which one of you guys in a bar band knows all the words to Bon Jovi songs?”

Little does he know that we’ve had not one but two cover bands in this town called Bon Journey. Maybe those singers were even there. He didn't get one of those guys, but he did get Brad Evanovich, a volunteer from the crowd, to come up and do a spirited job on “Born to Be My Baby.”

He also had some subs on guitar, with Phil X and John Shanks ably filling the shoes of sidekick Richie Sambora, who bailed in the middle of the 2013 tour after 30 years.

Bon Jovi, still looking youthful at 55 in a biker jacket and black jeans, pushed his way through his a run of hits including “You Give Love a Bad Name,” “Bad Medicine,” “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead” and “It’s My Life.”

But he probably needed more Brad. He skipped several songs in the usual setlist to jump ahead to “Bad Medicine” and then after 90 minutes of the expected two-and-a-half hour show, he threw in the towel.

“This is going to have to be the last one,” he declared, leading the band into signature hit “Livin’ on a Prayer,” with partial vocals from Phil X and the fans, who at that point, were probably a lot happier if they got the Groupon or the Steelers deal. 

“I want to thank you for your kindness,” he said. And they truly were kind. “I'm sorry we couldn't do the full show tonight. God bless you all.”

And with that, he was off for some good medicine, bad medicine, whatever he needed. The next show is Friday night at Madison Square Garden.

The winner of a contest to open for Bon Jovi here was the Interlochen Singer Songwriters from the Interlochen Arts Academy in Michigan, who were nothing like Bon Jovi stylistically, playing shrill singer-songwriter piano pop. They gave it a valiant effort, for amateurs, but were taking a slot that could have been filled by any number of really good Pittsburgh bands.

Review: Bon Jovi Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia 3/31/17

Monday, April 3, 2017

This review hurts me.  I know Jon's voice isn't what it was in the 80's and as a fan I know that the band very nearly killed themselves touring early on.  Jon's voice won't ever be what it was, but, and if any of you were there Friday night maybe you can shed some light, is this reviewer being honest or unduly harsh? Was his voice really that bad?  I haven't been to any shows on the tour - the closest the band has come to my hometown is a 4 hour drive on a week/work night - so I can't and won't judge on video alone.

Bon Jovi is merely a shadow in 2017; an honest concert review

Nearly two years ago, I reviewed Van Halen at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, and noted the dichotomy that now exists within the legendary band: members Eddie, Alex and Wolfgang Van Halen all still shred with aplomb, but singer David Lee Roth can scarcely carry a tune.
Diamond Dave's squawking that night was a detriment to the group's entire live production. After decades of vocal strain, his instrument just isn't what it used to be -- it's not even close. 
And unfortunately, he's not alone. 
After a largely off-key, two-and-a-half-hour set in Philadelphia Friday night, it is clearer now more than ever that Jon Bon Jovi has entered this dubious category. 
Let me state emphatically, I do not enjoy bashing Bon Jovi. "Slippery When Wet" was one the first CDs I bought with my own money. I take no joy or schadenfreude in ripping an artist who otherwise still puts on a bright, fun show, and who is clearly still trying. 
Besides, it did not seem as though the cheering crowd of 15,000 at Wells Fargo Center minded the bum notes at all. They came to dance, to hear the hits and see Jon, 55, flash that million-dollar smile.
And they received all of that. Every Bon Jovi favorite was rolled out with the appropriate bells and whistles, and the six-piece band behind Jon -- five of which sing backup -- were entirely serviceable, unleashing every guitar and synth solo you'd expect. Lead strummer Phil X has done well as a replacement for Richie Sambora (who left in 2013); on "It's My Life" and "Lay Your Hands On Me," his crunchy solos stole the show.  
But for fans who will be attending Bon Jovi's New York performances April 7 and 8, and spent hundreds of dollars to see the band bust out "Bad Medicine" and "You Give Love A Bad Name," know this: the live show will sound most like the CD when Jon is quiet. When Phil X and keyboardist David Bryan are given their brief vocal solos in "We Got It Goin' On," you will wish they just kept singing.

The list of subpar vocals on Friday night was long, but especially poor were the heavier new track "We Don't Run," the verses to "Born to Be My Baby," and "Have a Nice Day," where every note not landing in Jon's comfortable lower register was either shouted through or missed completely. 
"My voice is shot, I'm going gray, these muscles all ache," Bon Jovi tellingly sings, or tries to, in "God Bless This Mess," a mid-tempo track off the band's November LP "This House Is Not For Sale," which does have its merits. The title track, which opened the show, is a pumping arena-worthy anthem and the melody to "Rollercoaster" actually felt fresh and I'm still humming it this morning.  
But other than the tender new ballad "Scars on This Guitar," where his voice managed to hold its own, nothing matched the original recording. 
Was this just an off night? They are nearing the end of the tour, aren't they? Maybe he's just tired. 
It doesn't seem like it; at his intimate show at the Count Basie Theatre in Red Bank in October, he showed the same cracks. Like Lee Roth, Jon Bon Jovi was never an overpowering vocal talent to begin with, and it appears that 35 years of rock n' roll have done their bidding. Watch any of the videos in this post and hear for yourself. 
Does this mean he and the band should just hang up their guitar straps and sip Bud Lights in a recliner for the rest of their lives? No, of course not. In spite of his vocal, this was still an engaging show with seasoned musicians, and the arena went wild with each of Jon's hip-shakes, struts, and mention of his own rear-end.
People still want to see them. Throughout Friday's show, Jon expressed his gratitude to the crowd for sticking with the band, and how "This House" is a new beginning for the group. They aren't going anywhere.
If Bon Jovi were to extend its current tour into a summer show at MetLife Stadium, New Jersey's largest venue would easily fill with 55,000 rock fans. Heck, they could probably play three nights in a row and sell out each one. 
But just know, as you are shelling out cash for a good seat, to check out one of New Jersey's most iconic rock acts, you are now doing so at your own risk.

Bon Jovi's set list:

"This House Is Not for Sale"
"You Give Love a Bad Name"
"Lost Highway"
"Whole Lot of Leavin'"
"Roller Coaster"
"We Weren't Born to Follow"
"I'll Sleep When I'm Dead"
"We Got It Goin' On"
"Who Says You Can't Go Home"
"It's My Life"
"We Don't Run"
"God Bless This Mess"
"Scars on This Guitar"
"New Year's Day"
"Lay Your Hands on Me"
"Born to Be My Baby"
"Have a Nice Day"
"Bad Medicine"
"Keep the Faith"

"Raise Your Hands"
"The Fighter"
"Wanted Dead or Alive"
"Livin' on a Prayer"

Queenie's Loyal Subjects

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

You Can Go Home

Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation

The Traveling Guitar

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