I think I have recovered enough to put together a coherent thought or two about the show Saturday night. It's been a long weekend, so please, bear with me.
Just Damn.
Best freakin' Jovi show I have ever been to. Hands down, no lie!
For me the excitement started to really build as we were getting ready to leave for the show. We were all prettied up and cranking the Jovi tunes in the car as we crept along the highway with all the other concert goers. This was what the weekend was all about. I had been excited when I headed out my door Friday morning to go to the airport, but excitement was about seeing my girls again more than it was for the show. This time, though, it was all about the show.
When we finally got to the stadium, we had the adventure from hell trying to find Lot E. We had a VIP parking pass and all we had to do was get to the right lot. Easier said than done at the New Meadowlands Stadium apparently and the stupid parking helper monkeys were of absolutely no help at all. Ten different yellow shirts gave us ten different sets of directions on just exactly how to get to where we needed to be. OY!
By the time we finally found Lot E we had driven around the whole damn stadium! Exactly where did they find their parking helper monkeys anyway? I hope they weren't getting paid for that job!
Anyway... we got parked and opened up all the doors and had ourselves a little tailgate party. The wine flowed, we took pictures (Fictionmistress and her friends a few others wandered over and joined us)had a few laughs before making our way inside to our seats.
First stop, the ladies room! We didn't want to have to miss any of the show so this was an important first stop for us. Then we went off in search of water. Have to keep hydrated you know. After all that, Catte, Willow and I headed to our seats. I was sitting at the opposite end of the row from them and had Bayderra behind me. I've never experienced a show alone before so I wasn't really sure how this was going to be. I've always gone to a show and had a friend or my hub right next to me to share the experience with so this was new for me. As it turned out, it didn't matter, not one bit.
The all encompassing "They" said the show was sold out. I say "yeah, right" as there were about 30 seats in my section alone that were empty. Eh, what are you gonna do? While waiting for that all important signal This is Our House, I took a minute to look around and the stadium is impressive. Giants and Jets football will be very exciting in this new house. I snapped a few pictures and shot a little video (my son is a Giants fan so that was for him). Then, it happened.
That music started.
The guys took the stage, and for the next 2 + hours, it was just go, go, go. I only had one complaint. They opened with Who Says, my least favorite song ever, but at least they got it out of the way early. After that the hits and occasional gems just kept coming.
I hadn't been at the shows earlier in the week, but I think it's safe to say we got the best set list of the three nights. When they went into In These Arms the whole stadium roared. Then they brought out Born to be My Baby, Just Older, We Got it Going On, Raise Your Hands, When We Were Beautiful, Superman, Captain Crash, Bad Medicine, It's My Life, they just didn't stop. It was hard to catch my breath.
Love's the Only Rule had a totally different feel from when I saw it at Mohegan. It wasn't as intimated here as it was back in March, but that was okay. It was still an amazing performance and it's still my favorite song off The Circle. When Jon disappeared down the steps it was time for Richie to take center stage. I have to admit I was hoping for something other than Lay Your Hands on Me or Homebound Train, but it wasn't to be. He kicked ass on Lay Your Hands on Me though. He was just ON FIRE the whole night. I have no complaints, at all.
Jon reappeared in a fresh shirt out at the center of the circle. He liked the view from out there he said. Then he did Living in Sin with a little Going to the Chapel thrown in at the end for good measure. Freakin' amazing. I haven't heard that one live in at least 20 years. Then, he called for Richie to join him. With a spring in his step and a few hand slaps later, Richie was out there for a beautiful version of I'll Be There for You.
Then it was time for the busking part of the show. Tico and David headed out circle side for Something For the Pain. Love Richie on that song. Surprisingly, David and Tico headed back to the stage after just that one song, leaving Jon and Richie alone again. When Richie strapped on the double neck acoustic and they did Diamond Ring, I thought for sure I was going to have my first crying at a concert moment. It was close. I have NEVER heard that one live before. It was the most beautiful thing ever. Is there anything better than Jon and Richie harmonizing together? No. Not one thing.
They picked up the tempo again with Sleep When I'm Dead and a little Jumpin' Jack Flash and we were off and running again. By the time they got to Keep the Faith I was nearly done. Jon pulled out all the stops on that one. I have never seen a better version ever. And anyone who doesn't think Jon looks sexy shaking those damn maracas, you need to see it in person. And yes, we got the fireworks too.
Then, came the encore. I figured we get the standard two songs and that would be it. Uh uh. We got Dry County first. One of their best songs ever. Jon's vocals were great, Richie's solo was beyond amazing.
At that point, you knew what was coming. Jon strapped on his baby and stepped up to the mic... "If anyone possibly still has their ass in their seat, could you please rise for the singing of our national anthem." Yep, it was time for Wanted. The unmistakable opening, the crowd singing their words, I can't even begin to imagine what it must feel like for them to have the words they penned some 20 years ago sung back to them every time. It has to be an amazing thing.
They closed with Prayer and again, all 65,000 of us did them proud by singing the song for them. After the waves, after the thank yous, after the guys had left the stage, Jon remained for just a moment more, fist over his heart, giving us his silent thanks for everything before he too disappeared. I think that moment will stick with me for a while. I know he thanks us for our loyalty during every show, but this seemed more poignant to me for some reason. I think he really felt something Saturday night that drew him back after all the others had disappeared.
So, that was my night. We, TaraLeigh, Kiwi, Summer, Catte, Willow and I congregated at Tara's seat and waited for the crowd to dissipate a little before heading back to the car. A couple of pictures later we piled into the van and headed back in the direction of the hotel. One drive thru stop at Wendy's and more than a little hysterical laughter (flute button anyone) later and we were on our way back to the hotel and our beds.
I'm home now. My muscles are nearly normal again and my throat it still slightly sore. It was a great weekend. Bon Jovi kicked my ass, what more could I have asked for?