Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

Holy Hell...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I just have one question.  Where/when the hell is this from?!

Story Update...

The next chapter of New Beginnings has been posted.

Interview with Richie Sambora...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Prior to their shows in Chicago, Richie sat down with KHits 104.3

Here's what he had to say...

Friday Funnies...

Throwback Thursday...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I was trolling through YouTube (I needed a break from real work) and came across this little gem...

Anyone else miss the good old days?

Jon Bon Back in Philly...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

(Thanks Imp and Catte for dropping this in my inbox!)

And no, not for a concert...

Steven Spielberg and USC Shoah Foundation Institute to Honor Brian L. Roberts, Chairman & CEO of Comcast, for His Visionary Leadership and Longtime Philanthropy

Mar. 8, 2011 (Business Wire) -- Steven Spielberg, Founder of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute, will present Brian L. Roberts, Chairman and CEO of Comcast Corporation, with the USC Shoah Foundation Institute’s highest honor—the Ambassador for Humanity Award. Roberts will be recognized for his visionary leadership and philanthropic works in the areas of education and technology. Spielberg will present the award at the Institute’s annual gala, taking place this year in Roberts’ hometown of Philadelphia on May 9. Jon Bon Jovi, a longtime supporter of the Institute and of Comcast and Roberts’ philanthropic work, will lend his considerable talents as special musical guest for the evening. Serving as gala Co-Chairs are Stephen A. Cozen, Founder and Chairman of Cozen O'Connor, and longstanding member of the Institute’s Board of Councilors, along with his wife, Sandy.

Since 1994, the USC Shoah Foundation Institute has collected and maintains an archive of nearly 52,000 video testimonies of Holocaust survivors and other witnesses from 56 countries, and in 32 languages. The Ambassadors for Humanity Award honors individuals who embody the Institute’s values and mission to promote tolerance and mutual respect through the educational use of the testimonies in its Visual History Archive.

The organization has a long history in Philadelphia, where its regional office helped coordinate the collection of more than 1,100 testimonies in Pennsylvania and 16 surrounding states by local residents trained as interviewers and videographers. Additionally, more than 900 teachers across Pennsylvania – and over 12,000 nationally – have been trained to date on Echoes and Reflections, a multimedia curriculum developed by the Institute and partners, the Anti-Defamation League and Yad Vashem.

The May gala will provide the opportunity to raise awareness of the Institute’s core work and groundbreaking programs, as well as highlight the joint efforts between Comcast and the USC Shoah Foundation Institute, who have partnered on a variety of educational initiatives to help advance the organization’s mission.

“Brian Roberts has been a longtime advocate of finding and developing innovative avenues to reach and educate young people,” said Steven Spielberg, Founder of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute. “Working with Brian and Comcast to further explore ways to bring digital literacy to education gives me great hope that together we can effect significant change. Brian’s vision and commitment to enhancing digital literacy in schools and communities across America make him a great Ambassador for learning, and I am proud to recognize him for his efforts and for supporting the Institute’s educational work.”

Gala presenting sponsor TNT is a longstanding partner for this event and once again joins in support of the Institute. “The USC Shoah Foundation Institute works globally to fight hatred and racism,” said Steve Koonin, president of Turner Entertainment Networks. “We’re proud to support this great organization’s unique and important mission.”

“I am so pleased that the USC Shoah Foundation Institute has joined forces with Brian Roberts and Comcast as we explore new ways to utilize our archive as an educational tool, and endeavor to reach a growing number of educators and students around the country,” said Stephen D. Smith, the Institute’s Executive Director. “Brian Roberts’ foresight and leadership is a guiding light as we work hard to have impact on students’ attitudes, beliefs, and sense of responsibility for the future.”

For more information about the Gala or to purchase tickets, please call the Philadelphia Benefit Office at 610-664-0358 or the USC Shoah Foundation Institute Benefit Office at 818-777-7876. All proceeds benefit the USC Shoah Foundation Institute. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by law.

You can read the rest of the article here.

Jon is certainly a busy, busy man.  I would hate to be the keeper of his calendar.  I just hope they do their scheduling in pencil...

Jon Bon goes to Washington...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Morning Surprise: Gridiron Welcomes Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi and his wife, Dorothea will attend this Saturday’s Gridiron dinner as the guests of Vanity Fair‘s Todd Purdum. The Gridiron Show includes a parody of “Livin’ on a Prayer,” which prompted in invitation, explained USA TODAY Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page, who is the club’s president this year.

Page reports that the dinner is sold-out with more than 650 guests. Among other notables: Hollywood director James Brooks. Chicago mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel. TV anchors Katie Couric, Jim Lehrer and Diane Sawyer. Plus Christiane Amanpour and Wolf Blitzer. The Republican speaker is Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and the Democratic speaker is HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

POTUS will offer the evening’s closing remarks.


Queenie's Loyal Subjects

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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