Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

Acoustic Born to Be My Baby...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I have never heard this version before. It was the b-side to the Living in Sin single. It's freakin' amazing!

Rock Solid Jon Bon Jovi

From the Herald Sun:

Rock solid Jon Bon Jovi

HIS anthems follow a populist formula, but Jon Bon Jovi is not a rock star cliche.

"This cliche of being in a rock band - who gives a sh... any more?" Bon Jovi says, smiling. "It's not sexy, it's not fun, it's certainly not important.

"If your headlines are more about drink and drug habits, and not records or touring ability, you're an idiot."

Bon Jovi, 48, should know.

He has sold 120 million albums and played to 34 million fans while skilfully avoiding the traps of drink, drugs and divorce.

His bandmates haven't fared so well.

Guitarist Richie Sambora is divorced from actor Heather Locklear and underwent treatment for alcohol abuse and painkiller addiction.

Keyboardist David Bryan is also divorced. Drummer Tico Torres sought help for a drinking problem.

"It's not easy to see your friends go through tough times. It's not pretty," Bon Jovi says.

"I had to be a shoulder. I'll be damned if I wasn't there for them."

Bon Jovi casually shrugs when asked how he dodged so many bullets.

"I am certainly not perfect," he says. "But the harder you work, the luckier you get.

"It's part of what I have to do. It's part of what I tell our fanbase. To contradict that would mean the whole thing is a farce."

Certainly the Bon Jovi empire, formed almost 30 years ago, is hard to ridicule.

The band's latest record, The Circle, charted globally.

A world tour to support the album is, according to US concert tracker Pollstar, the No.1 tour of 2010.

And the unbreakable circle of Bon Jovi, Sambora, Torres and Bryan endures.

"We know each other better than we know our wives, brothers or sisters," Bon Jovi says.

"That's not an exaggerated comment. The truth of the matter is we've spent more time together than our siblings or spouses.

"We have been through the circle of life together - good, bad and indifferent.

"From being boys seeing the world for the first time, to getting married, to having kids, divorces and death.

"If it was over today, I'd look back at these parts of my life as being integral to who I am. All the successes - I did it with these guys at my side."

And his wife, Dorothea Hurley, quietly on the sidelines.

"I have been with her for 30 years and never been happier," Bon Jovi says. "She is smart, strong and independent. You need to be strong and independent to understand the ups and downs of this nomadic life.

"What I do does not define her. She is not the pop star wife who wants to be the celebrity in the family, or never miss an opening. That's not the real world."

Those truths made Bon Jovi quit acting. His feature film credits include Moonlight And Valentino and U-571.

"I found a love of music again that didn't really allow for acting," Bon Jovi says.

"But it was frustrating, too. The roles I was being offered were shite and the truth is - when you're used to being the creator, to stand in that long line to audition for some part every other guy already turned down, life's too short.

Bon Jovi detested the Hollywood system, too.

"It's just not for me," he says. "Hollywood is an island. It's so superficial. It always seems to be asking: 'What have you done for me today?'

"It's all about how hot are you today? Not in your career, not in your lifetime. I find the whole thing rather rotten."

Bon Jovi recognises the ever-revolving door of Hollywood brats. He files them under his pet hate: cliches.

"All the young kid cliches," he says with a sigh.

"These cliches are what you make them, then the media magnifies it. It's a vicious cycle, so I stay out of it."

These days, Bon Jovi has an air of elder statesman about him, a rocker who took care to build the foundations and who is still standing.

The band's stadium-sized show, The Circle Tour, is one of the biggest concert events to visit Australia.

It has an epic set-list to match, which includes Living On A Prayer, Wanted (Dead Or Alive), You Give Love A Bad Name, Blaze of Glory, Always, Bed of Roses and Have A Nice Day.

Bon Jovi says: "We built a reputation on being a live band first and foremost.

"We are from an era when you had time to do several albums to build a following. Then you cut your teeth as a live band.

"We were the youngest part of that old band era. It took three albums to break and 500 shows to build a foundation around the globe. Now we're in the uppermost echelon of what a touring band is."

Bon Jovi, Etihad Stadium, Melbourne, December 11. Tickets go on sale on July 8.

Friday Funnies...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Japanese Import Box Set...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Exclusive Japanese Import Plus All New Special Editions Of Every Single Album!
Pre-order your copy today direct from the Band

Bon Jovi’s Circle Tour is coming your way soon, and to mark the occasion the band are releasing a special edition of The Circle and of every single album in the back catalogue – which will feature extra live recordings of hits and fan favourites, plus each edition comes with its own tour laminate with a secret code on there to unlock a special download.

Plus! Every order comes with a free tour key ring / bottle opener, only available while stocks last on the first 500 orders of the compact discs or box set.

Access All Areas:
Japanese Import Box Set
For collectors and hardcore fans we have an exclusive offer of a Japanese imported box set which features:
* All 11 Special Editions
* All 11 Special Edition Tour Laminates
* A Special Collectors tour flight case
* Code to unlock exclusive era-specific content including live recordings and photos at
* Tour key ring / bottle opener (available while stocks last)
Pre-order yours now.

Go to the Store

Wanna Meet Bon Jovi?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mix 104.1 is having a Bon Jovi Party!

Thursday night, July 15th, Mix 104.1 will host a special Bon Jovi Party at CBS Scene to giveaway the Ultimate Grand Prize to one lucky Bon Jovi fan: 2 passes to meet Bon Jovi BACKSTAGE!

Plus, for the 2-hours Mix is there – you could win tickets to see Bon Jovi every 15 minutes!

So, make sure you are at CBS Scene on Thursday, July 15th from 7pm to 9pm for your chance to meet Bon Jovi!

If you are in Patriots Country, be sure to check this out.  You could win the prize of a lifetime!

Story Update...

A new chapter of Sweet Dreams has been posted .

Go forth and read my darlings!

Tonight's the Night...

At 12:00 a.m. EST I will be at my local moving theater, settling in to watch the first showing of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

My sister and I have had our tickets for a month now and she has been e-mailing me all day today with the countdown. Right now, we are at 8 hours and 30 minutes. We're only a little obsessed. :)

Team Edward or Team Jacob? I was all for Edward up until New Moon, now, I’m as undecided as ever. How does one choose between a Vampire and a Werewolf, love for all eternity or love til death us do part?

The romantic in me votes for Edward and all eternity.  The realist is rooting for Jacob and until death us do part.  But, considering I've read the last book and know how the story goes, I'm just going to go and enjoy the movie.  I'll be Switzerland, neutral territory, no choosing, no fighting here please.

How about you, is it Edward or Jacob?

My New Toy...

No, not that kind of toy, get your minds out of the gutter.   :P

Last night Mr. Q and I spent the better part of our evening at our local Verizon Store.  Hub's phone was past due for an upgrade and he has been chomping at the bit for a new one.  So, off we went.  After checking in (we were 7th in line!) we of course had to wander and play with all the new and different phones they had to offer.  We even tried out the netbooks.  Those are pretty cool.  Little Man expressed interest in those.  We're keeping that idea on the back burner for Christmas.  Maybe.

So, after nearly an hour of waiting it was finally our turn.  Anthony, our customer service guy, was a gem.  With a few clicks, he had all our contacts transferred to our new LG Touch phones, had our rebate receipts printed in duplicate and he even gave us a mini how-to with the new phones.

So, Queenie now has a phone with a data plan... I can access the web from anywhere!  Now if I can only figure the dang thing out. 

Need Tickets for the Toronto Shows?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Win Two Tickets to Bon Jovi in Toronto!

Notable TV wants to send you and a friend to the Bon Jovi concert, taking place July 20 and 21 at Toronto’s Rogers Centre.

The Circle Tour is hitting North America by storm, and comes to Toronto for just two memorable nights.

How do you get your hands on these notable tickets? It’s easy! Email us at with your favourite Bon Jovi songs. The 100th and 101st person to email wins.

There’s no other way to get into the concert, as the tickets sold out fast. So don’t miss your chance!

Good luck!


Queenie's Loyal Subjects

About Me

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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