Story Update
Friday, May 29, 2009
Another new chapter of Sweet Dreams is up for your reading pleasure!
Another new chapter of Sweet Dreams is up for your reading pleasure!
According to Hip Celebrity, Jon and Richie were seen leaving Koi Restaurant in LA last night (May 27, 2009). Boy, they certainly get around don't they? Weren't they just at Waverly's Inn the other night?
And really Jon, isn't it time for a new hat yet? Please?
I have finally updated my Tags N More page.
Go check it out!
Another chapter of Sweet Dreams is up for your reading pleasure.
Read more...Found these links for downloads in my alerts today...
7800 Farenheit
Keep the Faith
This Left Feels Right
Tsk, tsk, shame on you for not having these already. And you call yourself a fan... LOL
Have a Nice Day!
It's Memorial Day here in the States. The day when we say thank you to those who served, are serving and who have given their lives for our country. I just wanted to take a minute to sit down and say thank you to all of you who serve. It's because of all you do that we are able to say and do freely.
Thank you for all you do everyday for all of us.
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