Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

Don't Forget...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

To set your clocks ahead an hour tonight.  Those of us who observe daylight savings time, it's that time this weekend.  We get to spring forward and lose an hour of sleep.  Yay us.   I'd rather keep that hour thank you very much.  LOL

This has been a Public Service Announcement from your friend Queenie.


Review; Bon Jovi in Wichita

Friday, March 12, 2010

From the Wichita Eagle:

Bon Jovi keeps fans on feet throughout concert

They're older. Their hair is shorter. And they have a whole bunch of songs that their 1980s fans don't necessarily recognize.

But Bon Jovi, the New Jersey-based band known for hits such as "You Give Love a Bad Name" and "Wanted Dead or Alive" might have been the first band to play Intrust Bank Arena that kept the crowd on its feet from start to finish.

The band, led by singer Jon Bon Jovi and guitarist Richie Sambora, filled the arena Thursday night with what appeared to be a sold-out crowd. Arena officials didn't have attendance numbers, but few seats were empty and the floor was packed. The crowd of 15,000-plus was filled out late in the week with fire sales on tickets. Many in the crowd found last-minute seats for $10 and $15 apiece. Tickets were $40 to $500 when they first went on sale.

The band took the stage with one of its classic hits, "Blood on Blood" from the 1988 album "New Jersey." Bon Jovi and Sambora were front stage under the spotlights, with the rest of the band back farther and on risers.

The stage featured a bank of high-tech video screens behind the band and a half-circle walkway in front, which enclosed a group of high-priced ticket holders in a pit of superfandom.

"I'm not going to waste time talking," Bon Jovi said shortly into his set. "You paid me to sing." The set list included several of Bon Jovi's post-2000 hits, including "Love's the Only Rule" from the band's current album, "The Circle."

But the crowd, mostly filled with fans in their 30s and beyond, really responded to the classics, including crowd pleasers such as "You Give Love a Band Name," "Born to be My Baby" and "(You Want to) Make a Memory." Fans went crazy for the group's rendition of "Bad Medicine," which included an interlude cover of Robert Palmer's "Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor Doctor)" in the middle.

Jon Bon Jovi joked from the stage about hardcore fans begging for songs from the band's earliest days before launching into "Only Lonely" from the 1985 album "7800 Fahrenheit."

At one point in the show, Bon Jovi turned lead singer duties over to Sambora, who performed a guitar-heavy, solo performance of "Homebound Train." Other crowd favorites included "It's My Life," "Bed of Roses" and "Keep the Faith."

Fan Teresa Poston, who described herself as ecstatic when she heard that her favorite 1980s band was coming to Wichita, spent more than $200 at the Bon Jovi merchandise table, buying souvenirs for her kids plus three Bon Jovi T-shirts and a key chain.

"I grew up with them," she said. "I had Bon Jovi posters all over my wall." Alternative rock band Dashboard Confessional opened the show, performing its big hit "Stolen" and a cover of the Bryan Adams hit "Summer of '69," which appeared to be the only song the crowd recognized.

Richie's Clothing Line...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

White Trash Beautiful fashion line by rocker Richie Sambora set to hit L.A. Fashion Weekend

White Trash Beautiful is a new clothing line being launched at Sunset Gower Studios March 19th for L.A. Fashion Weekend. The duo behind the fashion is Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora and designer Nikki Lund.

White Trash Beautiful even designed a jacket for Bon Jovi frontman Jon Bon Jovi himself. Richie Sambora and Nikki Lund appeared on Extra TV to show a preview of their collection which ranges from sexy couture to fashion which is more accessible to the average woman. The bold fashion line includes fun features like lace and zippers.

Here's the video from Extra...


Twilight: Eclipse

So, I am a Twilight fan. My sister got me started and well, I am just as bad as she is. The newest installment, Eclipse is slated to be released June 30. My sister and I will more than likely be at the midnight showing. We did that for New Moon and it was crazy. People started lining up at four in the afternoon for the midnight viewing. Needless to say, the theater was packed. But what a great movie. Followed the book so much better than Twilight did.

Anyway, for any of you that might be interested, here is the first trailer for the movie. Enjoy. :)

Review: Bon Jovi in Omaha

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A review from the Omaha World Herald...

Bon Jovi Rocks the Qwest

Omaha fans sure do like their Bon Jovi.

Before the band took the stage, you could hardly move through Qwest Center Omaha’s hallways. Once they started, you could practically hear crickets.

Hundreds of fans filled the concourse waiting for beer and T-shirts before Bon Jovi started. Opener Dashboard Confessional played some of its heart-on-your-sleeve pop-rock songs to warm up for several thousand in their seats, while many of their friends were making beer runs.

And, seriously, lots of beer was flowing.

After Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora, Tico Torres, David Bryan and Hugh McDonald took the stage, the scene was different. The concourses became a veritable ghost town. Bon Jovi songs echoed faintly in the hallways, while a few people scurried to the bathroom or concession stands for more beer before bolting back to their seats.

Inside the arena, a sold-out crowd of nearly 16,000 went wild — dancing, screaming, waving and cheering.

The fans, a crowd of mostly 30-somethings and older, certainly have not given up on the band, which is going on its 11th studio album and 27th year.

Bon Jovi, the champions of arena rock, certainly haven’t given up either. They still kick out the fist-pumping sing-along anthems they cut their teeth on.

The show was a barrage of hits and new material from the band’s latest album, “The Circle.” Classics such as “Bad Medicine” and “You Give Love A Bad Name” were mixed with new tunes including “Love’s The Only Rule” and “Work For The Working Man.”

“Omaha, Nebraska, on a Tuesday night! I need you to get up out of your seats,” Bon Jovi said near the beginning of the show. “I ain’t gonna waste no time with talkin’. You paid me to sing and dance, and that’s what I’m gonna do for you. We got old, we got new, we got borrowed, we got blue, so strap in, baby.”

Fans were in for a ride, including watching the band run all over a circular stage, moving platforms and multiple moving video boards.

Bon Jovi showed he was quite the heartthrob — a simple shimmy from him made 40-year-old women scream like 12-year-olds at a Jonas Brothers concert. At one point when he momentarily removed his shirt, the place erupted.

Songs were peppered with Sambora’s guitar solos, and he even took lead guitar and vocals for “Homebound Train.”

Fans weren’t as familiar with the band’s newest material. While they were standing most of the time, some sat down during the band’s newest single, “Superman,” ran out for more drinks.

In contrast, men and women were dancing in their seats and fist-pumping during songs such as “It’s My Life.”

Amid all the arena anthems, the band slowed it down with a four-song acoustic break that included “(You Want To) Make A Memory,” “Never Say Goodbye,” “Something For The Pain” and “Someday I’ll Be Saturday Night.”

A three-song encore of “Runaway,” “Wanted Dead Or Alive” and “Livin’ On a Prayer” gave the arena back the feel of a middle school roller rink.

“Uh oh, it’s 1984 again,” Bon Jovi said.

Throughout the show, he thanked the audience for their support.

“The only reason we’re here is because you’re there,” he said. “I’d like to say thank you to each and every one of you for coming out to see us again.”

Love's the Only Rule...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A video from Tony Bongiovi... and my favorite song from The Circle...

A Review from Denver...

The Denver Post had this to say about the show at the Pepsi Arena last night.

Bon Jovi show, staying power awes

About halfway through his band's near-capacity show at the Pepsi Center on Monday night, Jon Bon Jovi did something only he could do. He covered Leonard Cohen's iconic ballad "Hallelujah" in his own signature style — with an emotive growl, arms outstretched to the sky and a shell necklace topping off a graying pattern of chest hair, which was glistening above four unfastened snap buttons.

Some might consider the Cohen song a contemplative meditation. Bon Jovi sees the song as an arena rock ballad, not unlike his own jams "I'll Be There For You" and "When We Were Beautiful."

As over-the-top and ridiculous as Bon Jovi can be, his staying power is something to be admired. He and his band have been writing hit songs for decades, and their show at the Pepsi Center — celebrating their latest CD, "The Circle" — was an energetic showcase of their ever-growing catalog.

The band got started quickly with "We Weren't Born to Follow," an album-perfect take on "You Give Love a Bad Name" and a KYGO-friendly "Lost Highway." "Born to Be My Baby" is as predictable as late-'80s rock songs get, but it had the female-heavy audience singing along and dancing in the aisles as if it were a modern Top 40 hit.

Especially impressive about Bon Jovi's stage show: The video screens that soared above the stage were among the coolest — and most easily manipulated — in arena-rock history. They created their own spectacular light show and ensured that everybody, including those behind the stage, got a great show.

Most impressive about the crowd: Its amazing youth. Sure, there were some hilarious mullets and butt-rockers in attendance. But the floor also was littered with really young, beautiful men and women — people who could have easily been in the same, expensive position at a Lady Gaga concert.

In "Bad Medicine," Jon appeared to favor stage left, and sure enough, it seemed like he was singing to former Broncos quarterback John Elway, who was prominently positioned in the front rows of the arena's bowl. In the middle of the aging, if still vital, hit, Bon Jovi joked about being in a bar band with a few standard rock covers.

"I ain't in a bar band no more," Bon Jovi said with a hip twist. "I'm here on business — the business of pleasure."

Elway sang along as he finished "Bad Medicine," and so did everybody else. Highlights in the rest of the set included a heartfelt "Someday I'll Be Saturday Night" and a righteous "Livin' on a Prayer."

Story Update...

Monday, March 8, 2010

I know, I know, it seems like forever since Sweet Dreams was updated.  But, there is a new chapter over there for you today.  I hope you like it.  I even added a new little feature.  Enjoy!

The Beatles LOVE... Cirque du Soleil Show...

 Guess who was at this show Friday night?

Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora and Jon Bon Jovi met with the cast of "Love" at The Mirage on Friday. Sambora expressed interest in the guitar riffs from the show's re-mastered recording of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.” (Photo courtesy Samantha Fisher/Cashman Photography) 

Rumor has it, Jon's family was there with him for the weekend.  For his sake, I hope he got to see them for a belated birthday celebration.

Catte, did you spy any of the guys while you were there?

For more information about this show go here.

Queenie's Loyal Subjects

About Me

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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