Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

Bon Jovi Down Under...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bon Jovi to rock Melbourne in December

Superstar rockers Bon Jovi will tour Australia in December – with a stadium-size spectacular.

"We're back on the road, doing it, and all is going well," frontman Jon Bon Jovi said.

"We built our reputation on being a live band. It took three albums to break and 500 shows to build a foundation around globe.

"Now, we're on the most upper echelon of what a touring band is.

"We can't wait to bring that to Australia."

The amazing numbers and statistics surrounding Bon Jovi’s latest tour, called The Circle, support this.

The show, one of the biggest-ever staged in Australia, will play in stadiums.

A massive stage, with an inner circle for 420 fans, is backed by the world’s largest high definition video screen, 35 metres long.

Promoter Paul Dainty said the tour blows all expectations.

Dainty, who saw the show with 55,000 fans in New Jersey said: "I thought I'd seen it all until I walked into this.

"This is beyond huge, this is amazing. Bon Jovi fans in Australia are in for the night of their lives."

In an exclusive, wide-ranging interview, Bon Jovi revealed:

* HE wants to emulate the Rolling Stones, but not tour forever like they do.
* HIS band hired a psychologist to help them keep it real.

"You learn to say 'Yes, dear' a lot. Or 'You're the boss," Bon Jovi laughed.

He and wife, Dorothea Hurley have four children, Stephanie, 16, Jesse, 14, Jacob, 7 and Romeo, 5.

"We are lucky. Our kids are great. They are trying to get life lessons from their parents right now.

"But there is no manual that comes with parenting. You figure it out as you go along."

Bon Jovi wished there was a guide to handling success.

He said the band hired a psychologist when they struggled to cope with riches and fame.

"Suddenly, you go from guys in a garage to somebody making decisions that affects people’s lives," Bon Jovi said.

"Then there are the stupid, wonderful things thrust upon you, like money and excess.

"At that stage, you need somebody to talk to who isn't getting paid by you – someone who is not your manager, agent or lawyer.

"This independent third party is there to say: 'Look, put a mirror up, and you'll see this is a bunch of bullshit.'

Most bands go through this. They get to a crossroad and ask: 'Where to now?'"

Bon Jovi knows his band is still relevant to millions of fans worldwide.

But he is uncertain about performing at Mick Jagger's age, 66.

"Let me be clear. The Rolling Stones are our idols, role models and heroes.

"But I don't know if I can be out here, doing this, 20 years from now. said Bon Jovi, who is 48.

"So I want to be the Stones in every other way there is, except touring forever."

Bon Jovi will perform at Subiaco Oval, Perth, on December 8; Etihad Stadium, Melbourne, on December 11; Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane, on December 14; and Sydney Football Stadium on December 17.

Tickets go on sale on July 8.


Story Update...

Friday, June 18, 2010

There is a new chapter of Sweet Dreams up and ready for your reading pleasure.


Friday Funnies...

Richie Talks to TNT Magazine...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bon Jovi guitarist and songwriter, Richie Sambora, on taking the mic from Jon, having a wild time in the ’80s, and balancing life as a single dad and rock star

How’s the tour going?
The shows have just been stupendous. We’re just having such an amazing tour, especially in such a time of economic downturn. People are still coming to see us … And we’re actually getting good reviews for a fucking change. I think the world’s gonna end or something.

Is it true you take 22 guitars on the road with you?
Probably more by now – I pick ’em up. In fact, one of my favourite guitar shops is Fat Rick’s Vintage Guitar Emporium [in Fulham]. Rick’s an old friend of mine so I’ll probably purchase a guitar or two while I’m in London.

You’ve been taking the mic a bit more lately. Is it nice to have the limelight instead of Jon hogging it all the time?
Ha ha! Well that’s why I make solo records. But yeah, it gives Jon a nice little break in the middle of the show … Over the last couple of tours I’ve been doing Bon Jovi songs like I’ll Be There For You, Homebound Train and Lay Your Hands On Me.

How do you stay grounded? Like, do you still take out the trash?
What? Are you kidding me? I’m still picking up dog poop and taking out the trash, you know.

It’s the craziest dichotomy of a person you could ever imagine cos when I go home I’m a single dad … I wake up very early in my house in California, make my kid breakfast, drop her off at school then get in the limousine, go to the private jet and fly to New York and play in front of 80,000 people.

In interviews, you and Jon always allude to the wild times you had in the ’80s. But how wild are we talking – groupies queuing around the block?
The best way I can put it is, think of the wildest stuff you’ve ever done and times it by 100, and that was my daily consumption.

We were young and riding the rocket ship to fame and stardom, and rock ’n’ roll was a different animal back then. That period finished for us when the grunge era entered. Rock ’n’ roll shifted. Aids came around so women weren’t as promiscuous as they were back in the ’80s.

It was good fun stuff. I don’t really have any regrets … We didn’t get so out there – we weren’t doing heroin, all that kind of stuff. But we had our share of consumption of other intoxicants and we had a good time with the ladies.

Are you single at the moment?
Yes, I am and enjoying every minute of it. I’m scouring the world for my future ex-wife. It’s only a joke. I’m enjoying dating and meeting ladies. I’m so busy anyway. I’m either looking after my daughter or busy being a rock star.

What advice would you give your daughter Ava about showbiz?
Don’t get discouraged or heartbroken. It’s a very, very tough world out there. Work hard and have something to fall back on, whatever your second passion is … I was studying psychology. Now they [Kean University, New Jersey] gave me my honorary doctorate so you can refer to me as Dr Sambora!


Interview from the Roof...

I know, I know, the roof show was like last week, but I just found this on Rockdirt:

Bon Jovi played an exclusive gig on top of The O2 to celebrate their residency at the London venue. The New Jersey rock band’s singer Jon Bon Jovi spoke with Absolute Radio’s Ben Jones on top of The O2, talking about playing at the venue, playing at exotic locales over the years, being able to push the boundaries with the set list thanks to their deep catalog, having a special relationship with their UK fans, and being a soccer fan during World Cup.

Wayback Wednesday...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

So, I fired up the DeLorean this morning just to see if it still worked and lookie what happened. We ended up smack dab in the middle of the 80s! They were such pretty puppies...

Hope this gets you over the hump!

They're Ba-ack...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Philadelphia Soul return to AFL

PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- The Philadelphia Soul are returning to the Arena Football League.

The former league champions will return for the 2011 season without their famous former co-owner owner, Jon Bon Jovi. Co-owner Craig Spencer and former Eagles quarterback Ron Jaworski are part of the new ownership group.

The Soul will play their home games at the Wachovia Center.

The Soul shut down after winning the ArenaBowl championship in 2008.

The AFL canceled its season in 2009 and returned this year with 15 teams under new leadership and economic model.


And the Tony Goes To...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Congratulations to David Bryan, Joe DiPietro and the entire cast and crew of Memphis on on your amazing win last night.

In case you missed it, Memphis took home 4 Awards:

Best Musical
Best Book
Best Original Score
Best Orchestrations

Way to go guys, you deserved it!

Now David, get your ass back across the pond, you've got a show in Paris on Wednesday!

Pre-Tony Party...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

David was partying in New York last night!

NEW YORK - JUNE 12: David Bryan and guest attend the 2010 Tony eve cocktail party at the Intercontinental New York Barclay on June 12, 2010 in New York City.

Queenie's Loyal Subjects

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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