Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

It's Coming ...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Amazon has the special edition CD/DVD available for pre-sale! According to them, this will be released on November 10, so I would imagine it would ship on that day too. Click here for more details. We're almost there, I can just about feel that CD in my hot little hands.

Don't forget, you can also pre-order the book When We Were Beautiful from Amazon as well. That will be released on November 3. No info yet on the MSG DVD or the Documentary, but I will keep checking.

I can see that I will have a whole lot to be thankful for next month!

Tico Torres - Many Faces

Thursday, October 8, 2009

On December 5, 2009 the Mac Art Gallery will be hosting an exhibit of our favorite drummer's works.

Tico Torres' wide-ranging talent takes on Miami with an unprecedented retrospective of his fine art.

Since the age of five, Tico Torres has been expressing himself in art as well as in music capturing his feelings and everyday life experiences in paintings, watercolors, sculpture and ceramics. Born to Cuban parents, Torres lived in Varadero, Cuba, where he was surrounded by sights, sounds, history, and heritage. As an accomplished, internationally known drummer with the world's most beloved rock band, Bon Jovi, Tico approaches his art with the same intensity and passion as he does music.

Tico delights in sharing the places that he has seen and the people that he has met through his artwork. His first solo show in Soho, New York was critically acclaimed and an enormous success with over half of the collection sold in just one evening. Since that time, Torres has received rave reviews and requests for shows all over the world. His demanding touring and recording schedule leaves very few opportunities for art enthusiasts to view and collect his powerful artwork.

This rare exhibition is the not to be missed and promises to be the must see show during the Art Basel season.


When: Saturday December 5th 5-10pm.
Where: MAC Art Group - Miami
2727 NW 2nd Ave
Miami, 33127

RSVP's Highly Recommended for this Major Event .

Private reception 7-10 pm on site for artist & VIP guests***

***Ask us how you can receive a VIP Collectors Invitation to party like a
Rock Star with Tico Torres and friends that night!!!***

To RSVP call 305-572-9860 or complete RSVP online


Autumn in Upstate New York...

It is one of the prettiest times of the year here where I live. The trees are all decked out in their finest fall colors. And today the sky is actually brilliantly blue. Maybe if this nice weather sticks around for the weekend I will take Little Man for a ride to see all the pretty colors.

There is a State Park about an hour from me that is just spectacular in its fall colors. Letchworth is known as the "Grand Canyon of the East". Go ahead and click on that link. You can read all about it. Below are some pictures of this park in all its Autumn splendor.

I love this time of year just for the show that mother nature puts on for us, but it also depresses me. I know that after the last leaf falls from the tree, winter's impending gloom will be upon us. Snow, sleet, slush, shoveling the car out. These are a few of my least favorite things.

Okay, not going to think about winter. Leaving the coat in the back of the closet for a while longer. I'm just going to enjoy the colorful masterpiece outside my window for now.

Happy Birthday...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

On this day in 1953, Hector Samuel "Tico" Juan Torres graced the world with his presence. This sweet, sexy Cubano has kept the beat going for our guys and for that we are extremely grateful.

You know, he sits back there behind his drums looking at Jon's ass throughout every show and I just have to wonder, how many times has he seen Jon split his pants? LOL

Anyway, if you see him today, make sure to wish him a happy birthday!

World Habitat Day...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Jon Bon Jovi served as special guest and keynote speaker today, October 5, at World Habitat Day 2009 in Washington D.C.

Story Update...

A new chapter of Sweet Dreams has been posted. Read on my friends!

Jon on the Cover...

Jon is featured on the cover of the new edition of Burrn! Magazine...

Too bad the magazine itself isn't in English...

Well, I Did It...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I started my Christmas shopping yesterday. I know, I know, you're all thinking, is she nuts? There are still more than two months until Christmas. My son said the same things to me yesterday. But, I had the opportunity to go to the outlet mall near me and I had the money, so I did it.

My mother-in-law picked me up at 10 o'clock yesterday morning and we spent the day shopping. I had a blast. I managed to make a pretty good dent and I managed not to go broke doing it. That's always a plus.

By the time we rolled back into my driveway, it was 7 o'clock in the evening and my hub had called me twice to find out when, if ever, I was coming home. Evidently he forget how his mother is. I have never met anyone who can shop like her. She was armed with coupons and the knowledge of which stores had the best sales. We started at one end, made three trips back to the car and ended at the other, only stopping for half an hour for lunch.

I found a lot of great deals, and I even managed to behave myself in one of the shoe stores (the Bass Outlet). Which wasn't easy considering they were having a fantastic sale. Buy one pair of boots, get 2 free. Yes, you read that right, buy one pair get 2 free. It was ridiculous. But, sadly, I did't partake.

The one pair of boots that I loved was $109 and hub would have had my head if I came home with more shoes. Even if it was a great deal. He just doesn't understand the fact that you can never have too many shoes. I stopped trying to explain that to him long ago. It's not worth my breath anymore.

So, today, I am recovering. I did a lot of walking and standing yesterday and my body hurts, but it was so worth it.

Queenie's Loyal Subjects

About Me

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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