Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

Feelin' Like a Monday...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

but someday I'll be Saturday night...

Tonight's the Night...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

At 12:00 a.m. EST I will be at my local moving theater, settling in to watch the first showing of The Twilight Saga: New Moon.

My sister and I have had our tickets for a couple of weeks now and she has been e-mailing me all day today with the countdown. Right now, we are at 9 hours and 12 minutes.

Team Edward or Team Jacob? I've been Team Edward right along, but this movie might change my mind. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.

How about you, is it Edward or Jacob?

Fox 411 Exclusive...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Few questions with Jon Bon Jovi...

One week after Bon Jovi’s latest album release “The Circle,” Fox411 was invited to a private discussion with Jon Bon Jovi and an exclusive performance of his greatest hits sponsored by American Express.

The singer, philanthropist and father got real and sang his favorite songs, including “Dead or Alive,” “Livin’ on a Prayer” and his new hit, “Superman.” Jon shared his insights on writing with best friend and business partner Richie Sambora and many very personal moments with us.

On similarities between Bon Jovi and The Beatles:

“Paul would write a song and John would put his name on it, John would write a song and Paul would put his name on it and sometimes they wrote together. Richie and I sit down together. We both play the chords, figure out the words and come up with titles. Bono and The Edge’s writing style seems to be more similar to ours. Maybe it’s my Irish envy, I want to be Irish when I grow up!”

Jon on writing with Richie Sambora, his best friend for 26 years:

“There’s a deep seeded bond that can never be broken. When I mumble and look for a word – that’s the way Richie and I write. We don’t have to finish each other’s sentences at this point.”

On embarking on their 10th tour, 25 years after they started:

“I refer to this tour as a gentlemen’s tour. We don’t go out for 240 shows nonstop. You do 20 shows, you take a couple weeks off, you do 20 shows, you take a month off. It’s pretty civilized. Now, we all have places to go instead of hotel rooms. We all have families, things to do and lives that are running parallel.”

On his new documentary film “When We Were Beautiful”:

“I wasn’t going to candy coat this film. I think I can dunk, like I’m 6’5”, but I’m not! You think you walk and talk and act a certain way but I don’t and that’s what the movie is all about. It is showing life with all it’s warts.”

On philanthropy:

“My upbringing, where I was brought up, when I was brought up and traveling the world for a quarter of a century. In a strange way we’ve been ambassadors of American pop culture in far off lands. We’ve been a part of people’s lives and you know how good you’ve got it here. (In the US.)”

On his favorite song Bon Jovi ever made:

“We’ve written a lot of songs that have touched people but “Livin’ on a Prayer” will probably be right up there, that would be high on my list. I don’t know - I’m not writing my epiteph, yet!”

The 10! Show - Philadelphia

Jon and Richie on The 10! Show in Philadelphia...

View more news videos at:

Jon on the Today Show this Morning...

Here is the video clip of Jon with Matt Lauer on the Today Show this morning...


In my travels around the web I found these links to downloads of Bon Jovi on Inside the Actor's Studio. Hopefully those of you outside the US of A can use them and watch the episode from this past Monday.






From the

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Richie Sambora, 50, is guitarist in 1980s hair-metal group Bon Jovi, renowned for hits Livin' On A Prayer and You Give Love A Bad Name. Sambora was married to actress Heather Locklear for 13 years until 2007. Bon Jovi's new album, The Circle, is out now

What’s the new album about?
It’s a rock’n’roll record, it’s a great evolution. We’re really proud of it.

How has the industry changed since you started?
It’s completely changed. It’s all about music-sharing now. Kids are more into video games these days. When I first started in the business there wasn’t this video game craze and the internet wasn’t around. If you pay for the downloading, that’s cool, but what do you constitute as sharing or stealing? For an established band like us it doesn’t make much difference – we make revenue playing live – but if you’re a new band trying to establish your business, surviving financially without record revenue is tough.

You broke your shoulder two years ago after slipping on a rug. Did it jeopardise your career?
No, but I broke it in three places. An old blues hero of mine, Albert Collins, would sling his strap over his right shoulder, so I copied him. I had to play 22 stadiums two weeks after breaking the shoulder and I didn’t want to cheat the people out of a good show or let down my band mates so I did that, along with physical therapy. I listen to those tapes now and I was still 95 per cent in the ballpark.

What’s the craziest thing a fan did to meet you?
They did all sorts of things, they’d come to the house dressed as pizza delivery drivers or strippergrams. One time I was home and there were fans on my roof. I went outside with a baseball bat, I thought they were burglars, I went out there ready to kick some ass.

What would have been your alternative career if music hadn’t worked out?
I did psychology at university but I’m not sure if that would have panned out. I knew I’d work in music from the age of 16. I didn’t have an alternative. I was determined to make it in this industry. Before Bon Jovi I had three failed record deals.

What’s been your worst job?
I worked as a cleaner in a hospital. That was pretty bad, cleaning up blood, pee and puke. I left when I had made enough money to buy a Les Paul guitar. That enabled me to play clubs with a band as a professional guitarist.

What have been the highlights of your career?
Having our first No.1 record was a highlight and we’ve been lucky enough to have a lot of them. Other things like playing Wembley Stadium was a huge highlight. Making new records is always good too. Having my daughter was a highlight.

You stick a tube in your mouth every night to blow into an effects pedal for Livin’ On A Prayer. Does it mess your teeth up?
It hasn’t so far, but it certainly rattles them around a lot. They haven’t fallen out yet. I only use it for a couple of minutes a day.

Metallica’s James Heatfield had ‘Kill Bon Jovi’ written on his guitar. That was quite rude...
Yes, but he was nice to me when I met him. I had no problem with him. That was just a reflection of what Metallica were about at the time. They’ve mellowed out completely since then.

Were you worried when grunge kicked off? It was a backlash to hair metal at the time.
We just remained ourselves. Like us or not like us, no matter what you think, we’ve maintained a career without chasing anyone else’s trend. We’ve done quite well from it.

What’s been your most extravagant purchase?
I’m not too extravagant. I have a couple of nice cars, a Ferrari. I’ve spent some money on guitars too but I trade them in. I haven’t spent a fortune. My favourite is still my 1959 Les Paul.

Hath, stay off the man's roof for godsakes! You don't want to get clobbered by his Louisville slugger do you?! LOL

Out and About...

Monday, November 16, 2009

By now I'm sure you all know that Jon was in Florida this weekend visiting Disney once again. You can find a picture of him with Goofy over on Hath's blog. But, I'll post it again here too...

Richie was out as well. He and Ava were spotted at the premier of the Twilight Saga: New Moon. (As an aside, I'm totally psyched for this movie! I'm going to the midnight show Thurs./Fri. with my sister. I cannot wait!!)

Don't Forget...

Bon Jovi on Inside the Actor's Studio on Bravo tonight at 8:00 EST!

Queenie's Loyal Subjects

About Me

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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