Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora


Friday, November 27, 2009

Played at halftime during the Dallas/Oakland game yesterday. In case you missed it, here it is for your viewing pleasure...

Gobble, Gobble...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

For all my friends who celebrate the holiday...


Be safe, have fun and watch out for that turkey hangover...

Something Fun...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Five Questions with Bon Jovi!

Bon Jovi on Today...

Videos from this morning's Today Show Concert... man, the Plaza was packed and boy did they look cold!

Richie Sambora... Coming Home

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bon Jovi's Richie Sambora coming home to Woodbridge to dedicate weight room

WOODBRIDGE — "Who says you can't go home?

There's only one place that call me one of their own
Just a hometown boy, born a rollin' stone
Who says you can't go home?"

- "Who Says You Can't Go Home" by Bon Jovi

Richie Sambora is back home today.

The lead guitarist for Bon Jovi is not in his hometown of Woodbridge to perform a concert. He is here to share his good fortune.

Involved in countless philanthropic endeavors during his years with the band, his charitable contributions on this particular trip to New Jersey really hit home.

The 50-year-old launched a fundraising effort this month called, "You Can Go Home," the intent of which is to give back to the community through a series of promotions and community projects.

The program directly benefits Woodbridge teenager Kelly Mahon, who two years ago today was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Today culminates months of his involvement with her and her family, having helped them financially, including renovations to their home to accommodate her arrival for Thanksgiving Day.

She has not been home for more than a year.

Sambora, who lives in California, returns to New Jersey frequently, whether performing here or in New York City or to visit his mom who lives in Point Pleasant.

Sambora, who played basketball, baseball and soccer at Woodbridge High School, will be at a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the high school this morning for a new weight room that he financed.

The weight room will be named in honor of his father, Adam, who died this year of cancer.

In honor of Sambora's generosity, the street leading to the high school will now be named Richie Sambora Way.

None of this surprises Tom Chmiel.

Chmiel has known Sambora since the rock star was in elementary school. He was a teacher at School No. 11 in Woodbridge and also coached a recreation basketball team for which 12-year-old Richie played.

After Sambora graduated from high school, he and Chmiel wound up playing basketball on the same team in men's recreation leagues. They remain close friends and Sambora sponsors Chmiel's summer basketball camp.

"He was a hard-working kid and one of the nicest kids you ever want to meet," said Chmiel, now in his second year coaching girls basketball at Arthur L. Johnson High School in Clark. "He was not a great ball player as a kid, but he was always there and always played well.

"He played basketball in high school, but then he took up the guitar and decided he liked that. Obviously that turned out pretty well."

So did Sambora, who followed his father's lead, and still does.

"My dad worked two jobs and was always supportive of me," Sambora said. "The great thing about my dad that I always learned from him was to never be judgmental. He always gave people the benefit of the doubt. He would always help people, and I still aspire to be like him.

"He left a big hole when he left me, but what are you gonna do? They didn't know smoking was bad for you back then."

Chmiel knew the family well and remembered the man's sense of humor and generosity.

"Adam was proud of his son," Chmiel said. "He was similar to my dad. He loved his son."

Sambora still enjoys shooting hoops, and with the aid of a trainer and nutritionist remains in good shape.

"I'm still very athletic," he said. "I'm very much into working out, because you know what — people today want their rock stars skinny."

The weight room will help the school's athletes from being skinny, which theoretically will help them succeed in their chosen sports.

For Sambora, basketball was his.

He recalled one rec season when the team went 27-0. "We were awesome," he said with a laugh. "We kicked everybody's ass.

"I was pretty good in high school. I was the guy off the bench. They'd put me in to foul everybody. I was the dirty guy," he said. "I came in to quell as the defensive monster. I would basically bother whoever was hot. I was young, quick, fast and a little crazy."

Asked if he maintains any of those qualities, he laughed and said, "I'd like to think I'm still young and fast."

And of course popular — whether in Woodbridge, Winnipeg or Wembley.

"I've never taken this success thing for granted," he said. "I just happen to have a wonderful job. Jon, me and the guys, we just keep trying to get better and better and better. With the work ethic I grew up with, I always pitched in and that hasn't changed. We've been together now 27 years. It's like a marriage. Everybody keeps each other grounded."

That can't always be easy when you're a rock star. Cheers from an audience have their own rewards, but today provides him with a very special feeling.

And having a street named after him is, as he said, "Pretty cool.

"It's actually a privilege to be able to do this," he said about helping Kelly, as well as the school's athletes. "More people have to take this kind of initiative to help people out man, because if you got it, why not help people? I don't care if you're a CEO of a company, a banker or whoever you are.

"I'm involved in this grass roots kind of thing when you go back to your community. That's when I came up with the idea of the weight room. I thought I'd do something for my high school. If you can help out and make your community a better place, if you start there, you're doing pretty good."

Especially if you start back home.


Is it any wonder we love these guys as much as we do? When they do things like this, it makes my heart smile.

Story Update...

Monday, November 23, 2009

A new chapter of Sweet Dreams has been posted!
Read on my friends!

Sambora Scores...

From the Huffington Post...

Bon Jovi's Sambora Scores Philanthropic Points Home In New Jersey

The lessons learned in high school often shape the base of how we deal with life's issues, whether those lessons were forged through athletics, academics, the arts, or any combination thereof. That life experience can be invaluable as we deal with day to day challenges, and can often be used as a positive force, whether we are office workers or parents, athletes or artists, teachers or nurses.

One great example of a lesson learned is being provided next week by Richie Sambora, a world class musician and songwriter who is returning to his roots and giving back to others. Sambora, who spends most of his time rocking the world as lead guitarist for Bon Jovi, has never forgotten the ties that were formed during his days as a basketball player and student at Woodbridge High School in suburban New Jersey. Those ties remain the fuel for many of his hit collaborations with Jon Bon Jovi, and these days have fueled a hit project of another kind ... assisting a young woman in his town slowed by a brain tumor and reaching out to his alma mater and its students in a variety of community projects to be unveiled this coming week.

The key philanthropic project is "You Can Go Home," which will help raise funds for Kelly Mahon, a fellow Woodbridge alum and honor student who was stricken with a brain tumor during her senior year in 2007. More than 5,000 students were invited to sell specially designed "You Can Go Home" keychains, and the student who sells the most will be awarded a $5,000 college scholarship by Sambora later this year.

Also that day, Sambora will return to his high school to dedicate the Adam Sambora Weight Room, named after his late father, which will help give the Woodbridge's athletes and coaches a state of the art facility in a time where public funds for such projects are scarce.

"The people I met in high school, my classmates, my teammates and coaches, really helped me build a lot of the base for success that we have formed as a band with Bon Jovi, and if I can do these things to help give back to those kids, and one special kid in Kelly Mahon, it's the least that I can do," he said recently. "Maybe the actions of the students will help inspire others to help out in their communities."

While most of his time these days are spent with the band and tending to his family in his adopted home of Los Angeles, the longtime Knicks, and Lakers fan, can still draw inspiration from his high school athletic experience, where his play on the court helped Woodbridge to the New Jersey Group 4 State basketball title as a junior. The school will also be retiring Sambora's number 11 at some point this winter, more as a thank you for all that he has done since his playing days for the community than for his time spent on the court, but a well deserved honor and acknowledgment nonetheless.

The fact remains that those lessons learned as an athlete and as a student have helped shape the work that Bon Jovi has done as a band in music and in their philanthropic efforts, and made Sambora's "You Can Go Home" a project that has already raised more than $125,000 and will inspire others through community service. All the details can be found at

At a time in America where many question the reasons or need for high school athletics and activity in lieu of budget cutbacks, the efforts of Sambora and others like him show that the time spent in those years can help frame a bigger picture for life success going forward, efforts that no one spent in a gym in New Jersey in the 1970s could have ever predicted. Those days not only shaped an artistic career that has influenced millions, but have also created a philanthropic program which will have a profound effect on young people on a local level going forward as well.

All things considered, a Hall of Fame effort for a skinny high school basketball player from suburban New Jersey.

Queenie's Loyal Subjects

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

You Can Go Home

Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation

The Traveling Guitar

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