Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

Friday Funnies...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Another Ticket Contest...

At a loss as to what to get for dad for Father's Day? Well, this site is giving away two tickets to see Bon Jovi at New Meadowlands Stadium on July 9. Air travel and accommodations included!

Win Tickets To See Bon Jovi

Enter for a chance to see Bon Jovi in concert

Father’s Day is the perfect time to pull out all the stops for dad. How about treating him like a rock star for Father’s Day? Win our Rock Star Giveaway and you can send dad (and a guest) to see Bon Jovi live at the New Meadowlands Stadium in New Jersey. Over the past 26 years, Jon and the boys have sold 120 million albums and played over 3000 live shows. With a little luck dad can be added to that list of more than 32 million fans who have those who have rocked out to the band’s classic songs. Don’t want to rely on luck? Go to for more tour and ticket info. Enter below for a chance to win the Rock Star Giveaway for Dad. See contest rules for complete prize details.

Good luck!

Greatest Hits Album Coming This Fall...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bon Jovi Planning Greatest Hits Album This Fall; Tour Predicted to Gross Over $210 Million

Bon Jovi are currently on the road promoting their album The Circle, and just kicked off a 12-night residency in London on Monday night. Even so, the band is already planning their next release. Guitarist Richie Sambora tells Billboard that Bon Jovi will release a greatest hits album this fall with new material on it. He says, "There's now four new songs on the greatest hits. We haven't released [one] since 1995, so that will give us product through to the summer of 2011."

The Circle
tour will wrap up at the end of 2011, and the concert promoter believes when all is said and done, it will easily out-gross the band's last tour, which raked in a whopping 210.9 million bucks. The promoter told Billboard, "I can't see anyone coming close to this tour. U2 would have been our only challenger, but unfortunately, Bono's hurt his back. We hope he recovers quickly, but Bon Jovi, I think, will be head and shoulders above anyone else."

Bon Jovi kicked off their London residency at the O2 arena Monday night by performing on the roof of the venue. The band tore through four songs -- "We Weren't Born to Follow," "Superman Tonight," "It's My Life" and "You Give Love a Band Name" -- before being lowered to the stage to finish the show. The descent took 30 minutes had had to be helped along by mountaineering experts, according to Billboard.


David Bryan - Broadyway First Timer...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Meet Four Broadway First Timers...

No matter how loud the ovations are for Memphis, it won't match the love Broadway novice David Bryan gets at his day job. Of course, not many composers have a steady gig — actually a night job — like his: Bryan is the keyboardist for the rock group Bon Jovi.

"I tell the rest of the band I'm classing up the joint now," says Bryan, currently on tour.

Bryan, 48, stumbled into the world of musicals accidentally. In 1990, when the band took a break from touring, he got a publishing deal writing songs for other musicians to cover. Eventually his publisher suggested he write a musical.

Although he was initially brought in to just write music for Memphis, he developed a strong relationship with book writer Joe DiPietro, and they ended up with a "full-on writing partnership." The show, first produced in Massachusetts seven years ago, took a long and winding road to New York. Finally reaching Broadway in its fifth go-round "is like seeing your kid graduate from Harvard," he says. "It was an unbelievable honor. There's a picture of me kissing the sidewalk in front of the Shubert."

(Since the writing of this article, Bryan was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Score of a Musical.)

Bryan remains a rock-n-roller, but he and DiPietro are already working hard on their next show, with eight songs and 40 pages done. "I'm loving this new world," Bryan says.

Story Update...

Yes my darlings, finally, there is a new chapter of Sweet Dreams up for you reading pleasure. I know it's been a while, but after that last show at New Meadowlands, it took a little bit to find my Jon/Cilla frame of mind again.

Enjoy, and thanks for reading!

Bon Jovi at the O2 - Night 2

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A few pictures from the show tonight...

Finally, the photographer found someone else on the stage besides Jon! LOL

Review - Bon Jovi @ O2, Night 1

Bon Jovi Kisses Fans at Start of Squeaky-Clean Concert Marathon

Three years ago, Jon Bon Jovi played the first rock concert at London’s O2 Arena. Last night, the first of a 12-show residency, the U.S. star returned to flash a smile, kiss some girls and get down to 2 1/2 hours of stadium- sized anthems and blue-collar rocking.

Since June 2007, the O2 Arena has become one of the world’s leading rock venues. Bon Jovi’s commercial success stretches over 25 years, with more than 120 million albums sold -- 28 million of them being 1986’s “Slippery When Wet.”

Right from the start, Bon Jovi’s band works to deliver. “Blood On Blood” sets the pace. It launches with a squeal from the guitar of Richie Sambora, who wears a flash silver jacket. Sambora keeps the hair-metal flame alive with virtuoso guitar work that never lets fireworks usurp good old-fashioned melody.

The rhythm section gets the rock-blues chugging. David Bryan, his corkscrew curls bobbing with excitement, throws in flashes of synthesizer.

The main event, though, is the singer. With his matinee- idol cheekbones and blue-eyed gaze, the all-American hero, 48, is born to perform. His hair is salon perfect while his super- white smile is the most dazzling thing on the O2’s stage.

He moves into the audience to give a chaste kiss on the cheek to some female fans (and one excited guy). He also sings, powering hard-rock and pop-rock anthems.

Close-Up Footage

“When We Were Beautiful” packs a special punch. “Work for the Working Man” comes with some social-realism-styled graphics. Unlike most arena gigs, Bon Jovi’s stage has no props or pyrotechnics. The big screens are used, for most of the show, only to highlight close-up footage from onstage.

There are some dud moments. A couple of songs feel like Eagles cast-offs puffed up in metal trappings. A cover of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” is over-emoted and self- reverential.

The wholesomeness of it all -- clean melodies, relentless air-punching and vacuous sing-a-longs -- make you yearn for a bit of rock filth or Bruce Springsteen grit.

It was nothing that Bon Jovi’s winning smile, and an encore blast through “Living on a Prayer” couldn’t fix.

After last night’s show, Bon Jovi will be welcomed back to the O2 for years to come.

Rating: ***.


Video from the Roof...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Rooftop Rockers...

So, this is the roof of the O2...

I would NOT have wanted to be the photog on this shoot... I like my feet on the ground TYVM...

25 Years of Bon Jovi - London Exhibit

Richie Sambora, David Bryan, Jon Bon Jovi and Tico Torres attend photocall to open exhibition celebrating 25 years of Bon Jovi on June 7, 2010 in London, England.

Richie, man, those glasses have GOT to go. Other than that, I think they all look like the jet lag is catching up to them. I hope they get a nap in at some point. :)

Bon Jovi Rocks the Roof...

Bon Jovi Rocks London From Above

Rockers BON JOVI brought east London to a standstill on Monday afternoon (07Jun10) by playing the first ever gig on top of the O2 centre's famous dome roof.

The band begins a month-long residency at the O2 Arena on Monday, and they kicked off the dates with a dizzying open-air concert on top of the massive structure.

The gig was beamed down to fans on the streets below on video screens, and in an interview shortly before the gig kicked off, frontman Jon Bon Jovi insisted he wasn't scared of playing a gig so high up.

He said, "We're not afraid, people have always said that about Bon Jovi - we'll play anywhere, and if you don't have electricity don't worry, we'll bring our own. There's a good view from the top. We're not afraid, we're like a circus act - we'll try anything."


Pics from the Netherlands...

Our Boys rocked the Royal Beach on Saturday, June 5!

You'll find these and the rest of the pictures in the BJCT Photobucket. Enjoy!

Jon Bon On Music and Marriage...

Jon Bon Jovi on music and marriage

For millions of women, Jon Bon Jovi is the ultimate lust object - the gilded rock star in denim and leather who barely seems to have aged in three decades at the top.

But when he steps off that sweat-soaked stage and heads home to his native New Jersey, he is only one thing - dad.

The rocker, now 48, is known to have one of the most enduring marriages in showbiz and one of the most stable families.

Ask him the secret of his 20-year marriage to his high school sweetheart Dorothea and he just chuckles and shrugs his shoulders.

"I have no idea," he laughs over lunch at London's prestigious Mandarin Oriental Hotel. "If you can answer that one you would win a big prize!

"It's horrible when you are away touring - it's terrible. You are away from everyone and it can be for long periods. But so are travelling salesmen and soldiers.

"I have been married a long time, 20 years, and it's great. I am not the only guy who's managed to do that but if I am the poster boy for marriage then I'll accept it. I made the right decision."

The couple and their four children - Stephanie, 16, Jesse James, 14, Jacob, seven, and five-year-old Romeo - split their time between a New York apartment and a home an hour away in New Jersey.


Although he loves being a dad, Jon is definitely not going for child No5 any time soon. Munching his way through a spring roll, he says: "Dorothea has worked over the years but not now we have four kids. It's a full-time job. No more children for me, no thanks. I got plenty."

Jon (born John Bongiovi) met Dorothea when they were both still at school in New Jersey. She was by his side as he grew from a shy teenager into a world-famous rock god with his band Bon Jovi.

Their 1986 album Slippery When Wet spawned a slew of instantly recognisable punch-the-air anthems.

Since then Jon has overseen the band on a rollercoaster ride of stardom that has taken in addiction, rehab and divorce.

Guitarist Richie Sambora suffered the painful double whammy of seeing his father die just days after he was divorced by wife Heather Locklear. He later checked into rehab for treatment for alcoholism.

And drummer Tico Torres has also been through two divorces during the band's lifetime.

As the group's leader - Jon describes himself as CEO of a multinational business - he has stood by his old friends and helped them through the tough times. He says: "Richie had issues, Tico went through it. They all had problems unfortunately. When you have been together a long time then unfortunately things happen. You grow up, life goes on. You get married, you have kids, you get divorced... The cycle of life goes on.

"When you have been together so long you multiply the number of issues by the number of people in the band."

For Jon, alcohol is his demon of choice. However, he now prefers sipping fine wine to slugging beer.

"I still drink... I don't have a problem with drink," he says, raising his glass of ginger cordial to his lips.

"I drink too much every day but it has never been a problem. I don't have a problem. If you drink anything, you drink too much. If you drink a few coffees you are drinking too much coffee."
Even though the fans cherish his music, Jon is matter-of-fact about his role in Bon Jovi.

"It is a business - it's called the music business for a reason," he says with a shrug. "When you have made your music then you have to run a business.

"I don't want to make it sound like I am sitting behind some corporate desk because that's definitely not the case. But if you haven't learnt the business in 25 years you are a fool.

"How often can you pretend that? You can survive on luck or good looks but then you have to deliver and after you've delivered then you have to back it up. So I am the CEO of this major corporation, but it's not like we have board meetings or anything like that. No way!

"I would be so bored."

Jon is surprisingly laid-back about seeing the band's recent album Circle top the charts - their fourth No.1 album. To many bands - especially one that has been around at the top for three decades - it would be a major achievement. But Jon instead sees it as a validation of his work. Continued success also helps him to avoid what he sees as the nightmare of just relying on the old hits like Livin' On A Prayer and You Give Love A Bad Name.

You can read the rest of the article here.

Queenie's Loyal Subjects

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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