Found these Photos...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Don't know if they are old or new, don't know what they're from either. The only thing I do know, the man is just too beautiful and I had to share them.
Upcoming Interview...
According to Crush Magazine, our favorite front man will be appearing on Inside the Actor's Studio on cable's Bravo.
Here is the article, translated to the best of my ability.
Jon Bon Jovi will be interviewed in the program Inside The Actors Studio.
Jon Bon Jovi will be interviewed on cable channel's Bravo Inside The Actors Studio on October 20. The singer will be interviewed by James Lipton just a few days prior to the release of the new book and album of the band.
The program can be attended by the public and the tickets will go on sale shortly. It is not predicted that the band will perform.
The promoting has started. I have a feeling we're going to be seeing a whole lot of Jon very, very soon. I also have a feeling that my hub's eye are going to be rolling right out of his head soon too. Read more...
The Book...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
According to Amazon, Bon Jovi: When We Were Beautiful will be released on November 3. You can pre-order it from their site now.
I haven't seen the DVD advertised over there yet and the new album isn't available yet, though they do show the release date as November 10.
I can hardly wait!
Oh, I know the picture I used above isn't the cover shown over at Amazon, but I like it better than the picture that is actually being used. The cover shot, in my opinion, should have been the whole band, not just Jon.
But that's a debate for another day.
Story Update...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A new chapter of Sweet Dreams has been posted! Read on my friends...
Got this...
Monday, September 28, 2009
In my e-mail and I just had to share. It's amazing the kinds of things I get on a daily basis, though I'm sure I'm not the only one.
But this, this I just had to share.
Girls, bicycles, acrobatics... just watch...