Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

A Little Richie Love...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

About a week and a half ago Richie played the KLOS Christmas Party. Here he is singing We Weren't Born to Follow... we don't care that he messes up the words, do we? :)

Merry Christmas...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Hugs and happiness to you and yours...

Merry Christmas...

I hope you got everything you wished for...

Merry Christmas...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Peace, love, health, happiness and friendship I wish for you and yours this holiday season.

Story Update...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yes my friends, there is a Santa Claus. Your present? Another chapter of Sweet Dreams. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Obscure Songs on the Circle Tour?

After 25 years of crafting rock anthems and stadium hits, Bon Jovi could fill a two-hour show with nothing but the obvious choices. But Jon Bon Jovi tells Spinner when the group hits the road this February in support of their new album, 'The Circle,' things might be different this time.

"I had a conversation just the other night with a reporter who came to a television broadcast and her thinking was maybe [play] some more of the obscure tracks, maybe some more of these album tracks you either play when you're in Europe or you don't play that often," he says. " I said, 'Gee, aren't I supposed to satisfy the needs and not be the selfish artist who wants to play these album tracks because you paid to hear me sing all the ones you hear on the radio, the hits?' And she's saying, 'No, you guys have also been around so long that most people in this audience have in fact seen you a bunch of times. So feel free -- believe me they know how 'Bad Name,' 'Prayer' and 'Wanted' go. You don't have to do them all the time every day.'"

That conversation obviously resonated with the frontman. "Granted, we're always gonna want to do those ones, but what if we don't play 'Always' and that was a monster hit ballad? What if you don't feel like playing ballads that night, so you don't do any of them? I think we've earned the right to have that freedom," he says.

That freedom could stretch to 'The Circle.' "This new album, I feel like it could be a great opportunity to do the album in its entirety. We've done that before when we did 'Lost Highway.' Because of the Nashville influence, it allows for that," he says. "The [new songs] were just made to be played in a stadium venue."

Guitarist Richie Sambora says whatever rarities his frontman wants to bust out, the band will be ready. "Jon's the quarterback, he's gonna call the set list and there are gonna be audibles and that happens all the time," Sambora says. "A lot of times we'll be sitting in the dressing room and Jon will say, 'Hey, let's just pick this song up, play 'These Days' or 'Keep the Faith' or something like that that we haven't played in 10 years.' Then we'll learn it on the spot, and take it on the stage that evening and play it. It's really gonna depend on the feeling of where we're at and what's going on."


Short David Bryan Interview...

From Z100's Jingle Ball on December 18...

Rockin' Art Star Comeback: Tico Torres

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

With the recent release of Bon Jovi's eleventh studio album and his first solo exhibit in 12 years, Tico Torres is riding the comeback wave to South Florida.

Tico Torres, drummer of New Jersey’s finest band, Bon Jovi, has been painting for longer than he’s been playing music. For his first show in 12 years, Torres teamed with the MAC Art Group during Art Basel week for a spectacular showing of his latest collection entitled “Many Faces,” of which proceeds benefit the Tico Torres Children Foundation. Before his “Many Faces” premiere, Tico, looking fly in all black, chatted with MIAMI about his art, his music and the combination therein.

On his art: [I started painting when I was] five-years-old. My mother bought me some clay and the first thing I made was a caveman. And then I had a little paint set and just started painting.

On the Cuban influences in his art: If there is, it’s only what I got from my family, there was always Latin music being played [at home]. But as for the colors I use in my art: TV was in black and white, so colors were something special to me. I don’t know if that has something to do subliminally, but I always wanted to paint everything in a lot of colors.

On living in South Florida: I like it. It’s a better quality of life—you wake up and there are palm trees everywhere. New York City is great, but you miss that. The Wynwood district reminds me of Soho… it’s got that grit to it. It’s special, how Soho used to be.

On his music: [I started] drumming when I was 14-years-old quite by accident. My cousin was a classical guitarist and we’d jam together. When I was about 16-years-old, I was hanging out with a horn band and some friends of mine, it was show time and there were about 300 people waiting and he said, “get up there and play.” I had half a drumstick and a pair of pliers, and I played three songs with a 16-piece band. I was like, “this is awesome!”

On Bon Jovi’s new album, The Circle: I love it; it’s one of our best pieces. We did it in eight or nine months. We were really supposed to do a greatest-hits [album] and add three songs… but there was a lot to talk about. I can listen to it from beginning to end and not say, “that song shouldn’t be there.” This is the best record we could make at the time.

On the connection between art and music: It’s pretty much like when you’re playing in a jazz band, you play the head and then everyone kind of goes in their own direction. Well, art is totally that—there are no confines except for the actual canvas or piece size, and there’s every color. You should never set a limit, like “you can never use these colors because they don’t work with this.” That’s wrong. You know, if you make a mistake as a musician and you do it twice, it’s not a mistake.


Queenie's Loyal Subjects

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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