Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Don’t know when I’ll be back again…

Well, that’s not entirely true. I’ll be home Sunday night around 10:30 PM EST if all goes well. (Please God let there be no problems I have to work on Monday). Right now though, it’s 6:00 A.M. and I’m on a plane headed to Boston to meet up with Hath and Willow for my first arc in The Circle!

I’m joining my friends for the second show at the Mohegan Sun Casino tonight. I can hardly wait. I’m not sure I even slept last night. But really, can you blame me? I’ve been waiting for forever it seems for this weekend. Well, only since December when we bought the tickets, but you get the idea. I’ve followed the tweets, been checking the BJCT blog, and now, FINALLY, it’s my turn!!

I’ve got everything. Yes, Catte and Kiwi, I made a list so I wouldn’t forget anything. My camera is packed, comfy shoes, Willow has my ticket (at least she better have it printed out and waiting for me) and I raided the Jovi account for funds for swag. What more could I need? I managed to fit everything in one small carry on size suitcase too. My hub was suitably impressed. He was sure I wasn’t going to be able to get everything to fit. Pfft, what does he know?

Not sure what Hath has planned for us to do between the time I land and when we have to leave for the concert. There was chatter of hanging in her game room, which sounds like a fun place to play (air hockey, pool, etc.) maybe getting some BBQ, but I really don’t care. I’m just glad I get to spend some quality time with girls I haven’t seen since last August and we get to go to a show together. Sounds like the perfect girls night out to me.

Four hours til I land in Beantown… Hath and Willow, here I come…

A Little Friday Fun...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Normally on Friday I post a Calvin & Hobbes comic in this space.  I am going to do that but I also found a few other things that I found amusing.  I hope you do too.  :)

Happy Friday everyone!

Soul Eye Candy...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Some pics from last night Free Soul Show... Damn Richie, holy tight black tee batman...

Wachovia Center, Philadelphia - A Review

After reading this, it seems like a rehash of Tuesday night's review with just a hint of last night's show. From the Philadelphia Inquirer:

Just like old times, Bon Jovi rocks the Wachovia

At the height of his hair-metal fame, you'd hardly have pegged Jon Bon Jovi as the type to get nostalgic for simpler times.

But age - his and, more to the point, his audience's - has a way of shifting perspective. At the sold-out Wachovia Center on Tuesday night, the bad-boy anthems of Bon Jovi's youth were outnumbered by recent songs built on inspirational nostrums and blue-collar solidarity. (The band also played the venue twice yesterday: another sold-out concert last night, and a late-afternoon show for fans of Bon Jovi's departed arena football team, the Philadelphia Soul.)

Although the band's latest album, last fall's The Circle, largely bypasses the country dabblings of 2007's Lost Highway, it's clear the band has kept up its research, or at least its set designer has. The show's imagery, both visual and lyrical, drew heavily from Nashville's well of just-folks standbys.

During "I Love This Town," the gigantic video screen above the stage broke apart into more than a hundred smaller screens showing fans touting their hometown's virtues, a variation on a staple used by country singer Toby Keith in his live show. The mild rebellion of "We Weren't Born to Follow" was accompanied by a dizzying potpourri of portraits ranging from Desmond Tutu to Princess Di, suggesting criteria so broad as to render iconoclasm almost meaningless.

Like most of Bon Jovi's songs (only with more unintended irony), "We Weren't Born to Follow" is composed of a string of well-worn phrases strung together like fragments from a magnetic poetry kit. "Come on and get up off your knees," he sang. "When life is a bitter pill to swallow, you got to hold on to what you believe." It's hard to imagine a less revolutionary call to arms.

Lyrically inventive he may not be, but Bon Jovi believes every familiar word. At their best, the band's metallic anthems - a group of songs that hasn't changed much in the last two decades - have an effect that's practically Pavlovian, provoking at least a small thrill in all but the most sour-faced listener - not that there were any skeptics in the room.

Rather than impatiently waiting for the old hits, the nearly 20,000 fans followed the band through material old and new; their mouths rarely stopped moving, and their seats were rarely occupied.

"Uh-oh," Bon Jovi said by way of introducing "Runaway." "It's 1984 again!" It could have been any year between now and then, and the show would have been fundamentally the same.

Don't Forget...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Bon Jovi will give a free, special ticketed performance for former Philadelphia Soul season ticket holders and fans on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at the Wachovia Center at 5:00pm. While only fans with tickets can be admitted, through the cooperation of WMMR, those that can't attend can tune-in live via a commercial-free radio broadcast at 93.3FM in Philadelphia or stream it live via Be sure to listen in to be part of this special live stream event!

Memphis... On Tour!

Memphis to Get National Tour...

According to, Memphis, the hit Broadway musical, will be embarking on a national tour, tentatively to launch in fall 2011. Prior to Broadway, the musical played the La Jolla Playhouse and Seattle's 5th Avenue Theatre. Memphis co-author DiPietro hinted at the tour possibility in the official blog for the musical.

From the rockin' dance halls of Memphis, Tennessee comes this hot and bothered new Broadway musical with heart, soul and energy to burn. Set in the turbulent south in the 1950s, it is the story of Huey Calhoun, a white radio DJ whose love of good music transcends race lines and airwaves. Get ready to experience all the exuberance and the emotion... the beauty and the controversy... of a wondrous, defining time in our history.

You can read the rest of the article here.

I hope it comes to my city!

March 23, 2010 - Philadelphia, Night #1

From all reports, the show rocked at the Wachovia last night! Go read Hath's blog for her review and some spectacular pics. She, along with Fictionmistress, Joviswillow and Cattesambora will be there rocking out again tonight too.

Here's the setlist, in case you didn't see it somewhere else already:

Blood on Blood
We Weren't Born to Follow
You Give Love a Bad Name
Whole Lot of Leavin'
Born to be my Baby
Lost Highway
When We Were Beautiful
Superman Tonight
We Got It Going On
Bad Medicine w/ Roadhouse Blues [The Doors cover]
It's My Life
Lay Your Hands on Me [Richie Sambora on lead vocals]
Hallelujah [Leonard Cohen cover]
I'll Be There For You
Something for the Pain [acoustic]
Someday I'll Be Saturday Night [acoustic]
Keep the Faith
Work for the Working Man
Who Says You Can't Go Home
Love's the Only Rule

I Love This Town
Wanted Dead or Alive
Livin' on a Prayer

Don't forget to check out the BJCT blog for links to videos, pictures and reviews!

Oh, here's a video of one of my favorite songs from The Circle that they did last night, Love's The Only Rule:

Daughtry... Rebel Yell

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Over the weekend, Sunday the 21st to be exact, Daughtry revisited Newark's Prudential Arena for the evening. They totally rocked a cover of Billy Idol's Rebel Yell. I found this vid on You Tube and just had to share it!

Bon Jovi #1

Monday, March 22, 2010

According to, Bon Jovi has the hottest tour going right now!

Bon Jovi takes the No. 1 spot on the Hot Tour rankings with the first box office totals reported from its Circle Tour that will play arenas and stadiums throughout the year, and into 2011. The tour kicked off in Hawaii with two performances at the Neal S. Blaisdell Center in Honolulu (Feb. 11-12) and then headed to Seattle followed by shows in six more west coast markets. The top numbers, as reported by promoter Concerts West/AEG Live, came from a single sold out concert at the MGM Grand Garden in Las Vegas with 14,803 tickets sold and grosses topping $2.6 million. Providing support is Florida-based rock band Dashboard Confessional, which is tapped to open most of the shows during the first North American leg of the tour.

Keep it up guys!!!

Lay Your Hands on Me...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Apparently Jon pulled out all the stops in Montreal this weekend.  Richie even got in on it.  He sang Lay Your Hands on Me!!!!

I hope they bring out some good stuff next weekend at Mohegan!

Queenie's Loyal Subjects

About Me

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

You Can Go Home

Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation

The Traveling Guitar

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