Tribeca Film Festival
Friday, April 10, 2009
I know, it's been posted everywhere and you all know that the documentary is being featured at this festival, but I just had to share this with you.
Tribeca is living on a prayer
New Bon Jovi biopic to headline at the festival.
by Jennie Kermode
Monday, 6 April 2009
He made heavy metal popular in the pop world, he went on to star in several Hollywood movies, and now Jon Bon Jovi is the subject of the film set to headline at this year's Tribeca festival in New York.
The documentary, titled When We Were Beautiful, is directed by Phil Griffin, who says it may still be subject to changes depending on how the festival audience responds. Its development has been shrouded in secrecy but it's known to feature extensive footage from Bon Jovi's 2008 Lost Highway tour, previously the subject of a TV special. It aims to celebrate the band's remarkable 25 year career and attempts to unearth the secret of their success.
Griffin said:"Throughout the process of working with Bon Jovi, I was amazed at the candor and humility Jon and his band showed me.
"The result is not a neatly wrapped up bundle of staged interviews and musical interludes, but rather a series of open and sometimes difficult conversations, explored against a backdrop of music spanning 25 years.
"It is a film about the peace of Tico, the complexity of Richie, the drive of Jon and the brutal honesty of Dave. It is their willingness to share their stories that gives us what I hope is a very human story - that humanity is what I believe has seen this band stand the test of time."
Tribeca Film Festival co-founder Jane Rosenthal added: "Nothing says rock 'n' roll more than Bon Jovi. This compelling documentary gives you a glimpse behind the scenes of one of the great rock bands and unveils how they have stayed on top for the past 25 years.
"Jon has been a stalwart supporter and remarkable friend to our Festival, making it incredibly exciting to premier the Bon Jovi Story at Tribeca."
Jon Bon Jovi previously attended Tribeca in 2006, where he performed as part of an opening showcase designed to promote environmentalist concerns. The films he is known for include Moonlight And Valentino, Pay It Forward and U-571, in which he starred alongside Matthew McConaughey and Harvey Keitel.
I guess we just need to wait and see, but I can hope, can't I?