Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

Can One Woman Make a Difference?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I got this in an e-mail today and I have to admire this woman. She's doing something wonderful for our Veterans. Read on about what she's doing...

Gina Elise, 26, is bringing retro back with her third annual "Pin-Ups For Vets" calendar.

Pin-up art — a morale-booster for troops fighting overseas during World War II — is making a comeback, or will be if a California woman has anything to say about it.

Gina Elise, 26, is bringing retro back with her third annual "Pin-Ups For Vets" calendar, which features herself in costumes and poses that were popular among America's fighting men in the 1940s. Profits from the sales of the calendars provide assistance to U.S. military hospitals.

“About two years ago I started hearing stories of wounded soldiers that were coming back to underfunded hospitals, so I just decided that I really wanted to do something to help out,” Elise told “I‘ve always been a huge fan of the pin-up era, so I figured I can sort of combine my love for this era to not only use the money for the hospitals but also help boost morale with the calendars themselves.”

The UCLA grad started spreading the word about the project in hopes of enlisting some help.
“Some people thought I was nuts," she said. "But I have a lot of friends that are artists and photographers and costume designers that actually donated their time and services. Wal-Mart also gave me a community grant to help get the project off the ground.”

And it soared right to the Web. At, with a donation of $22 or more, anyone can purchase a calendar for themselves, a hospitalized veteran or a deployed service member, along with a personal message of appreciation.

If the calendar is being sent overseas, Elise mails it in a care package. For those recovering in U.S. hospitals, she hand-delivers every calendar.

“I go there and I ask things like their name and their birthday and show them their birth month on the calendar. A lot of these veterans don’t get visitors, so to see their reaction when I show up is really rewarding,” she said.

“At one VA hospital in San Diego, I left the room after talking to a veteran and all the nurses rushed toward me saying they were in shock because he’d suffered a traumatic brain injury and that was the first time he’d spoken in a month!”

Loreleye Winn, Director of Voluntary Resources at San Diego’s Veterans Administration Hospital, recalled one of Elise’s visits.

“She was dressed like a '40s pin-up lady and she passed out some calendars to the patients and went around to their bedsides,” Winn said. “They really enjoyed it and it just was a pleasure to have someone come in and visit.”

Winn isn’t the only one singing "Pin-Ups'" praises.

“There have been five flags flown over military bases in Iraq in honor of the project, and I also received the 2007 California Junior Chamber of Commerce’s Outstanding Young Californian award,” Elise said.

Thus far, “Pin-Ups for Vets” has raised $20,000, with proceeds from 2007 going to Loma Linda VA Hospital in Loma Linda, Calif., and proceeds from 2008 awarded to San Diego’s Naval Medical Center.

And Elise says she gets back more than she gives.

“It’s really inspiring when you are going into these hospitals, especially Walter Reed, where they have the most severe cases, and you’re seeing double amputees, triple amputees, people with severe illnesses, and yet they’re still so strong,” she said. “They’re some of the bravest people I’ve ever met.”

David Bryan Alert!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Found this gem in my alerts this morning. Why is it we rarely get any info/alerts about David? The only reason I even got this is because it mentions Bon Jovi. I had David Bryan in my alerts but decided to stop receiving it because I never got anything about our David Bryan. Now, this morning, here is a tidbit for all you David lovers.

Hmmm, I may have to reinstate that particular alert. :)

Bon Jovi keyboardist at EMP on Thursday
Posted by Bill W. on 1/06/2009 02:49:00 PM

Just after gaining acceptance to the prestigious Julliard School of Music, David Bryan got the call from Jon Bon Jovi that a record company had decided to give them a record deal and the rest, of course, is history. As the keyboard player, songwriter and founding member of Bon Jovi, now in its 20th year, David Bryan’s journey has included selling 100 million albums, traveling the world playing to millions of people in 50 countries and circling the globe 15 times.

David Bryan has been invited to Experience Music Project’s JBL Theatre for a live interview as part of their “Oral Histories Program” on January 8, 2009 at 7pm. Tickets are $5 for the general public and free for EMP, SFM and 5th Avenue subscribers.

David Bryan is collaborating with Joe DiPietro (author of the record-breaking international hit I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change) for the production of
MEMPHIS which hits the 5th Avenue Theatre later this month. MEMPHIS sounds like it will be yet another musical not be be missed. Stay tuned for a preview and a review of that production.

More info about David Bryan's appearance at EMP is available

Something New!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I've been working on a new Richie story. It's called The Last Night. Those of you who frequent T's Place and/or DLS a/k/a Jovination know this story. I've started posting it under my Works in Progress section. You will find the link to it there. It's going to take a little bit to get it posted to where I left off, but I'll get it there. Please be patient with me.


Jon, a Miami Fan?

Monday, January 5, 2009

So, I came across a few photos of our Jon at the Miami game on Saturday. We all know he eats, sleeps and breathes football, but I never thought I'd see him at a Miami Dolphins game. Just goes to show what your fair Queenie knows.

Wonder if he'll be at the Giants/Eagles showdown this weekend. Me, I'll be watching from the warmth and comfort of my own living room.

Go Giants!

Here is a link to Getty Images where there are a few other pictures. If anyone has these without the watermark, Queenie would be ever so grateful if you would share. Thanks!

Queenie's Loyal Subjects

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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