Biker Bash for Charity...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Whew... Richie on a Harley... please, if anyone gets pics of this, I'd be forever grateful if you'd share... Queenie
I had the best experience over the weekend. Saturday morning I was fortunate enough to be able to deliver Thanksgiving baskets (dinner for Thanksgiving Day plus a multitude of other items). It was an eye-opening experience and one that made my heart smile when I was finished.
As most of my friends know, my husband lost his job earlier this year. He has since found other employment, but for a while there we weren't sure what we were going to do. Sad to say, I found on Saturday that there are many others worse off than I.
The smiles, hugs and heartfelt thanks we got from delivering to someone a dinner they wouldn't otherwise have had, that just makes everything else seem so unimportant.
I, for one, will be giving thanks on Thursday for all that I have been blessed with in my life, my husband, my son, my family, my friends (on-line and in RL). We will be gathering at my sister's this year. It will be the first time in five years that we will all be together for the holiday. It will be a loud boisterous food and fun-filled day, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
As for you and yours, I hope your holiday is as blessed as mine is shaping up to be. And that you don't OD on turkey and have a hangover the next day.
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