It's Official...
Friday, July 24, 2009
Daughtry's latest album, Leave This Town, is number on on the Billboard chart. Below is the article that was in the Examiner.
Daughtry's new album, Leave This Town, reaches number one on charts not a flukeCongrats to Chris, Josh, Joey, Brian and Josh for a second number one album. You guys rock! And if you haven't gotten yours already, I suggest you go, go now and get it.
July 23, 1:20 PM
Daughtry, lead by American Idol finalist Chris Daughtry, topped the charts of the Billboard 200 for the second time with sophomore album, Leave This Town. While many are claiming this as proof of his greatness, validating the their losing votes on “Idol, Season 5,” the question of “How hard can it be not to sell a record when your life’s story was successfully used to boost ratings” is raised.
Obviously, Daughtry has the experience, skill, and pride to back up anything his has recorded. His skill is not in question. However, because he used the tools that made themselves available, American Idol: Season 5 and the machine which Idol is a cog, he can be viewed as a tool.
His stint on American idol built up his name. Out of 24 he came in fourth and the even Simon Cowell guessed incorrectly who would be going home the night of Daughtry’s defeat. Idol, having slipped into the soft news circuit of entertainment news in both television and print, became the subject to controversy over the vote count in tabloids of every variety. After the controversy, he traveled the talk show circuit mostly because of such a huge success Idol became and other shows were, and still are, looking for ways to boost ratings with the indirect help of Idol. Daughtry had face time on The Tonight Show, Total Request Live, The Today Show, Live with Regis and Kelly, and The Ellen DeGeneres Show, in which he performed "Wanted Dead or Alive". With such a chance to get publicity fully taken, it is not hard why Daughtry’s first album became a Number 1.
After he achieved such a great feat, the people whose sole purpose is to provide help for artist to be in the public eye did what they do best. Starting March 14, 2007, every episode of Idol’s Season 6 results show, Daughtry's song "Home" played every time a participant was knocked out of the competition, the part where each of the losing contestants were asked to examine their path of self-discovery while on the show. Additionally, on the final competition, May 22, 2007, his band performed the song live at the show’s end. He also did as many public appearances as possible between the time of his first and second album, from television to racing events to interviews in lifestyle magazines. Daughtry certainly did not back down from the grunt work of being a popular artist. Daughtry knows how the game is played and without showing any signs of weakness jumps over every huddle of a talk show/appearance for the finish line and reward of hard work.
Even Michael Jackson played the game. MJ was out for blood, wanting every album after Off The Wall to be the greatest top charting work yet. Besides the work of writing, practicing, performing Jackson used the world’s media to promote his image and songs. For example; what was a commercial for Pepsi was also a small sample of the greatness of his skill.
Chris Daughtry has done a good job, in every facet of his musical career after his time on American Idol. Hopefully, for him at least, he can keep up the work to continue promoting chart-topping albums.
Well, what are you waiting for?