As I am sure most of you are aware, there are a bunch of 'Fictionistas' getting together at Chickie & Pete's in Philadelphia next Wednesday (see the details on the black invite to the upper left of the screen). Yes, yours truly is among the many gathering in that back room next week. Pictures will be taken, drinks will be had and friendships will be formed, re-formed, solidified for years to come. It's the Sisterhood of the Brotherhood (a phrase coined by my friend and co-member of the Harem, Lucia) that has been forged due to the amazing music of these marvelous musicians.

So, if you're in the area, come and join us. If you're not able to be there in person, feel free to check out Fan Fictionistas for all the details, pictures, insights and odd comments. We'll be posting periodically about our time together.
Come along and join us, won't you?