Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

We Will Never Forget...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

David Bryan to be on Fallon...

'Late Night' plans first Broadway Week

NEW YORK, Sept. 10 (UPI) -- "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" is planning its first "LNJF Broadway Week," showcasing some of the biggest hits the Great White Way has to offer, NBC said.

Starting Monday, Fallon will welcome a different Broadway musical to the "Late Night" studio each night.

David Bryan from Bon Jovi is to introduce a performance Monday by the cast of "Memphis," which explores the underground dance clubs of the 1950s. The show was the winner of four 2010 Tony Awards, including Best Musical.

Tuesday brings the stars of "Promises, Promises" to the Studio 6B stage, while Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day is expected to introduce the Tony Award-winning musical "American Idiot" Wednesday and Thursday's edition of the show will feature the cast of "Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson."


Friday Funnies...

Friday, September 10, 2010

It's that time of the week again!

Backstage with JBJ is 22 Years Old!

Year 22 of Backstage with JBJ Launches on September 14th!

We are pleased to announce the launching of Year 22 with Backstage with Jon Bon Jovi on September 14, 2010!

A Backstage JBJ membership has always meant exclusive benefits and perks for our loyal members before anyone else! We are continuing this tradition with exciting new features and brand new merchandise for this year.

Backstage JBJ is the only place where you can get:
  • First access to the best tickets for Bon Jovi shows
  • Exclusive videos and footage from the band
  • Access to the extensive Bon Jovi photo and video archive
  • Blog entries from the Bon Jovi team.
 And much more!

Be sure to visit on September 14, 2010 when all the new details will be unveiled to join!

We are very excited to begin Year 22 with the Backstage with Jon Bon Jovi community!


Tickets for the Gulf Show...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bon Jovi, Paisley set to play Gulf show
City changes distribution site for concert tickets

 ORANGE BEACH, Alabama (WALA) - Some of you might be planning to wake up pretty early on Saturday. Tickets for the upcoming Concerts for the Coast productions will be given out in less than 48 hours. Both Bon Jovi and Brad Paisley tickets will be available but there have been some changes.

The crowd is ready. All they need now is tickets. However, that will change come Saturday.

"The Foley and Gulf Shores are exactly how we publicized it. The concern was in Orange Beach that they felt with the number of people that would respond to this the Sportsplex would be a better place. More easily to take the capacity that we think is going to happen," said Mike Foster with the Gulf Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau.

The Orange Beach Sportsplex, the Erie Meyer Civic Center in Gulf Shores, and the Foley City Hall are all ticket locations for the Concerts for the Coast event. Foster said the three locations will split an allotment of 4,500 tickets per concert. The two concerts that weekend are Bon Jovi on Friday night and Brad Paisley on Sunday. Each person is only allowed two tickets for one of the concerts, not both. However, there is a way around that.

"If you take your husband or wife, or best friend, and you stand next to each other one of you could get two for Bon Jovi and one of you could get two for Brad Paisley. It's possible to do that, just find a friend," Foster said.

Foster said there were some concerns with tickets to the Jimmy Buffett concert a few months back, and this time they wanted to do things a little differently.

"What happened is that we put it on Ticketmaster, so when it turned on, it turned on everywhere," Foster said.

Tickets for the Bon Jovi and Brad Paisley concerts will be available in all three locations starting at 8:00 a.m Saturday. All you need is a photo ID and maybe a little patience as you wait in line.

Kids 10-years-old and younger don't need a ticket to attend.


Don't Forget...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So, this is the last week of Wednesday Movie Nights (only 16 more days til Mexico City!)

Today at 11 AM Eastern and then again at 9 PM Eastern, you can catch the documentary When We Were Beautiful...


It's been an incredible 5 weeks as we've revisited some of the band's most memorable eras. Along the way, we've posted exclusive videos, heard some great Obie O'Brien tracks, seen rare photos from the past, and celebrated each movie night with a discount on merchandise! Which was your favorite movie? Discuss with fans via Facebook, Twitter, and AIM as you tune in for Bon Jovi's LAST Movie Night this Wednesday, September 8th. We'll be streaming a very special movie: "When We Were Beautiful".

A feature documentary, "When We Were Beautiful" premiered at the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival, marking the band's 25th anniversary together. Documenting the Lost Highway Tour, the film shares rare and candid stories from Jon, Richie, David and Tico. Don't miss it!

And today, we'll be kicking off our last Bon Jovi themed week with The Circle album.


* Tuesday, September 7th:
Track from Obie O'Brian - "Miss 4th of July" - on
Video posted - "Garageland" - on

* Wednesday, September 8th: Live Streaming of "When We Were Beautiful" DVD on at 11AM and 9PM EDT

* Friday, September 10th: Release of exclusive era-specific photos on

* ALL WEEK: Discounts available on select Circle Tour merchandise in the Bon Jovi Online store at

Be sure to check the site every day for the rest of the week for new content and deals. The video of Bon Jovi performing "Garageland" and an exclusive track from Obie are posted NOW!


Greatest Hits Album Track List To Be Unveiled Exclusively On Facebook Beginning Today

Starting TODAY, September 7th, we will be revealing the track list of Bon Jovi's Greatest Hits album in an exciting and interactive way on Bon Jovi's Facebook page!

For every 10,000 fans that "like" Bon Jovi's Facebook page, a new song on the track list will be revealed! Previously released tracks will have a link to listen to the whole song, and brand new songs will have a link for a 30 second sneak peak clip! You can find this on Bon Jovi's Facebook page under the tab titled "Band Page".

After you like Bon Jovi's page, you can help unlock the tracks faster by using the "Suggest to Friends" option located just below the profile picture on Bon Jovi's Facebook page.

Share this news with your friends on Facebook!

This Song...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Came up on the player this morning on my drive to work.  It's one of my favorites off the These Days album and I hope I get to see/hear it live just one time in my life.  I found the video on YT and had to share.  I just love that he sings the chorus in Spanish...

JonBon Charms the Cops...

Apparently Jon's end of summer bash ran a little late into the night Saturday...

JON Bon Jovi knows how to rock a crowd and keep it under control at the same time. Saturday night at his East Hampton home, he invited 60 of his closest friends, including Jack Nicholson, for his annual end-of-summer bash including a live performance and fireworks. When the show kept raging after the local 11 p.m. sound curfew, police rolled up to shut down the stage -- but the diplomatic rocker invited the officers in just to squeak out one last song.


At Home with David Bryan...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

David talks about getting his Tony Awards and about how he got involved with Memphis.

Getting Cheeky with JonBon...


The band Bon Jovi has been together for over 27 years.  For those 27 years, they have had very devoted fans who follow the band when they are touring, and immediately buy their albums when they are released.  But then there are some unique fans who really go to the extreme to express their devotion to the band. 

When Fox All Access host Chris Leary caught up with Jon Bon Jovi, he described the craziest thing that a fan has ever done for him.


Queenie's Loyal Subjects

About Me

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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