Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

Independence Day...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Today is the Fourth of July, our Independence Day, the day the United States adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring their independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. We celebrate this day with family, friends, backyard bar-b-ques, parades, fireworks and let's not forget that great sale at the mall.

Me, I'll be at one of those aforementioned backyard bar-b-ques, chowing on a burger and any of a number of summer salads, chasing it all with an adult beverage that my sister will have on ice. The bonfire will be lit when it gets dark and the marshmallows will be passed as my brother-in-law sets off a few fireworks. It's sure to be a great time.

However you choose to spend your day, I hope you enjoy yourself.

Out and About... Again

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Once again Jon and Richie were caught out and about in London. This time, they were coming out of Cipriani's. And boy was Jon in a playful mood...

Story Update...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A new chapter of Sweet Dreams is up for your reading pleasure.

DAUGHTRY on Tour!!

Daughtry have confirmed the following August concert dates - the first leg of their tour in support of their new album, Leave This Town, in stores July 14:

8/2/09 - Orlando, FL - House of Blues
8/4/09 - Foxboro, MA - Showcase Live
8/7/09 - Columbus, OH - LC Pavilion
8/8/09 - Chicago, IL - Vic Theatre
8/9/09 - Minneapolis, MN - The Cabooze
8/11/09 - Nashville, TN - Cannery Ballroom
8/12/09 - Memphis, TN - Minglewood Hall
8/14/09 - Houston, TX - Warehouse Live
8/16/09 - Englewood, CO - The Gothic Theatre
8/18/09 - Tempe, AZ - Marquee Theatre
8/19/09 - Los Angeles, CA - Henry Fonda Theatre
8/20/09 - San Francisco, CA - The Fillmore
8/22/09 - Las Vegas, NV - Pure

Tickets will go on sale July 11.


Jon Bon Jovi Left Waiting...

Monday, June 29, 2009

According to the London Evening Standard, Jon Bon Jovi got left waiting in the wings to do a special encore with Bruce Springsteen.

The 45,000 fans who watched Bruce Springsteen play out of his skin at Hyde Park last night may have thought they had the night of their lives.

But the show could have gone on even longer had it not been for the health and safety kill joys.

Waiting in the wings at Hard Rock Calling was none other than Jon Bon Jovi, who was due to join The Boss and his E Street Band for a special encore.

But their duet had to be scrapped after Bruce ran over the 10.15pm curfew.

The pair are both from New Jersey and have sang together before. This time they had planned to perform Hungry Heart.

But our source said: “The show had run for three hours, and sadly had just nudged over the curfew limit when the organisers have to shut the sound off.

Jon was waiting at the side of the stage, ready to go, but when the plug was pulled it was just too late.

“It would have been an incredible ending to the show, and it's a huge shame it couldn't happen.

Bruce and Jon were gutted. It's probably just as well the crowd didn't know he was waiting on the side of the stage, as they would have been gutted as well.”

The London crowd were a little too polite for the first half an hour, prompting Bruce to ask: “Are you there London? Is anyone there?”

But he was soon left in no doubt that the crowd was behind him.

The boss wasn't too worried about the time at Glastonbury the night before, where he persevered and played through the curfew there — earning a £9,000 fine in the process.

We're a little surprised that Bruce didn't “stick it to the man” this time for the sake of his pal Jon. But, at 60, he's probably tired of being a rebel.

Neil Young headlined the Hyde Park event on Saturday night, and his guest Sir Paul McCartney did make it on stage for a rousing rendition of Beatles song A Day In The Life.

Highlights will be played on Absolute Radio 105.8FM all week.

(I know the picture isn't the greatest, but it's the one from the article. I'd have to say though, you girls in the UK, keep a lookout, you just might see the boys over there this week!)

Bon Jovi at Magnetic Hill...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Last night, June 27, 2009 Bon Jovi played Magnetic Hill in Moncton, New Brunswick. According to the Cape Breton Post there was a crowd of about 33,000 people. Found this review, but, sadly, I haven't found any pictures yet.

MONCTON, N.B. (CP) — About 33,000 rock fans partied with Bon Jovi under a hot sun on Saturday in Moncton, turning the Magnetic Hill concert site into a giant Maritime kitchen party.

The atmosphere was festive, as a steady flow of people with silly hats, short skirts, homemade T-shirts, halter tops, no shirts, funky rubber boots, cowboy hats and tattooed and pierced bodies, arrived for the concert.

There were teenagers, couples and grandmothers, athletes and bikers and many families camped out on the grass, the gravel, the VIP grandstands and under the corporate tents.

With several other big concerts coming into the Maritimes this summer, there were fears that ticket sales for the Bon Jovi show wouldn’t sell.

However, promoters said that as good weather appeared, thousands turned up at the gates to purchase tickets for the show.

The Bon Jovi show has been billed as a warm-up to the AC/DC concert on Aug. 6, which is expected to draw 60,000 to 80,000 fans and possibly be bigger than the Rolling Stones concert here in 2005.

“The AC/DC show is a must-see for a lot of people. This one, a lot of people were wondering and waiting on the weather,” said Andre Hudon, president of Donald K. Donald productions.

On Saturday, the few clouds that threatened to dampen the party were burned away by the hot sun.

The spirit of the party continued to grow slowly with performances by Alfa Rococo, Mobile and State of Shock, but the mood picked up as Canadian music legends Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings ran through a rollicking set of old favourites from the Guess Who, Bachman Turner Overdrive and Cummings‘ solo career.

The honky tonk sound of Cummings’ piano mixed with the searing sounds of Bachman’s guitar on songs like My Own Way To Rock and got the crowd moving on their feet.
They cheered, they waved, they danced and provided a chorus of thousands of voices for Cummings on Share the Land and Bachman’s timeless anthem Takin’ Care of Business.
Cummings took time out to compliment the crowd and the venue several times.

“This has got to be the best concert site in North America,” said Cummings, who was wearing a Jimi Hendri T-shirt. He also paid tribute to the spirit of Canadians.
“Turn on CNN for 15 minutes and then go outside and kiss the ground of Canada,” Cummings told the crowd.

“We are one of the last places where you can live like human beings. So whatever God you pray to, thank him or her that you live in Canada.”

And that was just the warm-up.

Jon Bon Jovi and his band marched onto the stage at 9 p.m. sharp, cranked up the volume and lit into the classic Glad All Over to warm up the crowd for a two-hour set of hits that included Born to Be My Baby, Runaway, Sleep When I’m Dead, It’s My Life, I’ll Be There For You and many more.

They closed the set with the ’80s classics Wanted Dead or Alive and Living on a Prayer, joined by a chorus of thousands.

MacKenzie Milson, a 23-year-old student from Toronto who attends the Moncton Flight College, said he didn’t plan on coming but relented when his girlfriend was able to buy two tickets for the price of one in one of the many special deals being offered in the final days before the show.

Tickets were $99.50 for general admission and $199.50 for seats on the VIP grandstands.

If anyone comes across any pictures, Queenie would be ever so grateful if you would be so kind as to share.

Queenie's Loyal Subjects

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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