Star Spangled Sambora...
Thursday, January 15, 2015
So, I'm more than a little behind on things of late. But such is life these days. I found this has been sitting in my inbox forever so I thought I should share it before I delete it.
Richie Sambora sang the National Anthem before the Breeder's Cup way back in November. It is a tough song to sing and I think he did a good job.
What do you think?
Calling all Readers...
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
In case you didn't already know, my lovely friend Taryn Elliott has her newest book out this week. Bulletproof Weeks is ready and waiting for you at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. This is book two in her Rockstar Romance trilogy. The first, Anything But Mine, was amazing. You should definitely check these books out!
Buy it at Amazon
Buy it at BN
And if you haven't read the first book, Anything But Mine, (a) shame on you and (b) the links are below the pic...
Buy it at Amazon
Buy it at BN
80's Anthem...
Monday, January 12, 2015
So I did one of those meaningless quizzes on Facebook. Apparently my 80's anthem is Livin' on a Prayer.
I forgot just how much I liked this video...