Together and with The Power of We, we can start a revolution. One Soul at a time... ~Jon Bon Jovi *** There's a Story on every street corner, my friend. All you have to do is open your eyes... ~Richie Sambora

Friday Funnies...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Story Update...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Yes my darlings, it's true.  There is a new chapter of Sweet Dreams up for your reading pleasure.


Bon Jovi to Play Gulf Show...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bon Jovi, Brad Paisley to play Gulf Shores beach shows

The other flip-flop has finally dropped: Bon Jovi and Brad Paisley will follow Jimmy Buffett in performing BP-funded beach concerts in Gulf Shores.

The Gulf Shores and Orange Beach Tourism agency announced Wednesday morning that Bon Jovi will perform on the Gulf Shores Beach on Friday, Oct. 15, followed by Brad Paisley on Sunday, Oct. 17.

According the agency, the shows are free to the public. Tickets will be available through “Gulf Shores and Orange Beach lodging partners” starting Wednesday, Sept. 8. That suggests that most tickets will be given to hotels and condo owners to help attract overnight guests.

A list of venues offering reservation packages with free tickets can be found at

According to organizers, “A limited number of tickets will be available for local distribution to area residents on Saturday, Sept. 11. A valid government issued photo ID is required and there is a 2-ticket limit per person available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Details are available on the website"

The concerts will take place the same week as the Thunder on the Gulf powerboat racing event in Orange Beach.


Don't Forget...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Bon Jovi has just released their first single, titled "What Do You Got" from their forthcoming Greatest Hits Album - due out November 9th in the US and Canada! Visit to hear the single and get the first peek at the brand new single cover NOW!


The past FOUR movie nights have been a great success, with over 200,000 fans tuning in to watch! Last week we had viewers from all over the world watching together and chatting about "Lost Highway" in real time on Check out what a few fans had to say:

"This makes me LOVE Wednesday nights!"
"Could watch these guys forever, awesome!!!!"

But don't take their word for it! Tune in THIS Wednesday as we stream Bon Jovi's epic live performance, "Live at Madison Square Garden" ...twice! First at 11AM EDT and again at 9PM EDT.

As an added bonus, fans will be able to participate in playing a BON JOVI TRIVIA game while watching the movie on This interactive feature will only be available exclusively on the day of the streaming - you won't want to miss it!

Want to tell your friends about movie night? Send them a message on Facebook by clicking the button below!

Invite Your Friends

And what's a movie without popcorn? Click HERE to get a coupon for a discount on Orville Redenbacher popcorn, perfect for munching on while watching Bon Jovi rock out.

Themed weeks are also continuing! Starting today, August 30, we'll be moving on to Bon Jovi's next two albums: Have A Nice Day and Lost Highway.


* Monday, August 30th: Video posted - "Lost Highway" - on

* Tuesday, August 31st: Track from Obie O'Brian - "Story Of My Life" - on

* Wednesday, September 1st: Live Streaming of "Live From Madison Square Garden" DVD on at 11AM and 9PM EDT (dont forget your popcorn coupon!)

* Friday, September 3nd: Release of exclusive era-specific photos on

* ALL WEEK: Discounts available on all merchandise from Have A Nice Day and Lost Highway eras!

Backstage at Bon Jovi

Monday, August 30, 2010

No, not that backstage...

Editors for Electronic House and CE Pro recently got a backstage tour of the band's rig for its massive world tour, including a dressing room detour to interview guitarist Richie Sambora.

Occasionally we get to extend a bit beyond the home electronics theme, out into the pro A/V world and talk to some of the people who actually make the music that’s enjoyed over our surround-sound theater systems.
A couple that spring to mind are Steve Vai and Papa Roach, who were more than happy to discuss sound engineering, demo material, recording and even authoring for the likes of Blu-ray disc release for our home theaters.

Last month, when mega band Bon Jovi‘s The Circle Tour went through the northeast, colleague Bob Archer and I were able to get a look behind the stage of the lavish setup, as well as a peek inside the dressing room. Sorry, girls, nothing to reveal except a pretty zen-like quiet atmosphere in which we were able to sit down with guitarist Richie Sambora for a 20-minute interview (check back soon with for the full video interview).

We were fortunate to have forged a solid relationship with custom electronics pro “Nitro” Nick Tamburri of New Jersey-based Aggressive Home Automation and Design. In his pre-CE pro life, Tamburri was a personal assistant of the band’s for more than a decade, after befriending band mates in his teens.

No, we probably won’t be featuring Jon Bon Jovi’s, or even Sambora’s home theater (which he says is about ready for an upgrade) here soon, but we did want to give our readers a closer look at some of the goings-on behind the scenes of a multimillion-dollar concert rig. When we were ready to interview Sambora, as we wandered through the bowels of Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Mass., to find a quiet place he’s the one who actually decided that we should just high-tail it into the dressing room.

A few highlights from the interview, to whet your appetite ...

Sambora is definitely a music guy, in terms of both playing and being able to talk about it like a true audio fan. The iPhone is his friend, especially places like the gym, and he says the he and Bon Jovi actually used the device to do some recording.

However, that’s not to say he doesn’t appreciate sound quality on more than a crushed MP3 stage. He’s delighting in the vinyl revival of the last few years, and even noted that the recent re-issue of the Rolling Stones’ classic Exile on Main Street is a major improvement in detail over the original vinyl release from 40 years ago.

And how about Bon Jovi when it comes to sound quality? If he was looking for demo material from the band’s own 25-plus-year-old catalog, Sambora suggests New Jersey, Bon Jovi’s fourth album, which came out in 1988.


As soon as the video becomes available, I will get it posted.

Out and About...

Jon Bon Jovi's teen son Jesse gets pro basketball advice from Miami Heat star Dwayne Wade

Jon Bon Jovi isn't just a great musician — he's a pretty awesome dad, too. The singer showed up at Hampton Magazine's dinner at Madame Tong's with his teenaged son Jesse, who got the chance to chat with Dwyane Wade. A source tells us that the teenager was "keenly listening to basketball advice" from the Miami Heat player. He wasn't the only one at the Southampton dinner who was star-struck, or should we say, sport-struck: polo hunk Nacho Figueras was also "really excited to meet Wade," says another insider. After showing up at the dinner with his wife, Delphina just in time for dessert, the Ralph Lauren model headed to hotspot RdV with Wade and his girlfriend, actress Gabrielle Union.

You can read the rest of the article here.

Queenie's Loyal Subjects

About Me

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I am and always have been a Bon Jovi fan. This blog is just my obsession taken a step further, my imagination in high gear if you will. I love to read and decided to see what would happen when I took that love of the written word and ramped it up a bit.

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