It's Time...
Friday, December 11, 2009
for the Friday Funnies... here is your weekly installment of Calvin & Hobbes...
for the Friday Funnies... here is your weekly installment of Calvin & Hobbes...
somewhere else.
It's been snowing here pretty much all afternoon and the wind isn't helping matters any. I can hardly wait to drive home tonight. That should be almost as fun as my drive in was this morning. I really hate the snow. I don't mind winter, I deal, as well as anyone, with the cold, but I could do without the icky white stuff mucking everything up.
That picture up there, that's just one of the main thoroughfares in my area. Nice, right? See why I can't wait to drive home?
Normally that trip takes approximately 20 minutes. Tonight I estimate doubling that travel time, maybe tripling, depending on how many of the drivers out there decide to be idiots. I got behind one this morning that thought doing 10 MPH was the smart thing to do. I understand slowing down when the weather is bad, but that was just ridiculous. You're just asking to have an accident that way.
My other peeve with the weather this time of year, having to clean off the car. I have a garage that sits behind my house and it is near to impossible to get the car into it. Consequently, I park in the driveway and the car gets covered with snow. So, I have to drag my ass outside in the frigid morning air most days from December to April, start the car so it gets close to warm by the time I leave and start brushing off the inches of accumulated snow and sometimes ice that encases my vehicle.
And I'm a bit OCD about it too. Ask my hub. I'm not lying.
I get every speck of snow off my car. I like to be able to see out all of my windows when I drive down the road. I also like to be able to see out my side view mirrors.
There are people, though, who find it perfectly acceptable to drive down the road without having cleared off the car at all.
And there are those who think the defroster will do the work for them.
And we wonder why there are so many accidents this time of year.
At least I don't have to worry about that tonight. I park in a garage where I work. I don't even have to leave my building to get to my car. Which is a good thing considering the wind has been howling all afternoon too.
Yay, winter's here. Whooo and hooo.
I am not amused.
A couple of snippets from Jimmy Fallon last night (these came from the show's website)the guys were too funny...
We now have hotel and ticket packages available for Hawaii, NYC, and Las Vegas exclusively for fan club members! The packages offer a range of services and perks such as hotel accommodations, concert tickets, food and drinks, exclusive parties, escorts at the shows, guided tours, special tour credentials, Bon Jovi memorabilia and more! These packages are going fast so sign up now to take the trip of a lifetime with Bon Jovi! Learn more about all of these packages on our Travel Package Page. To be eligible to purchase these exclusive, once in a lifetime packages you need to sign up for Backstage JBJ here or log in, then click here.
Attention all US Facebook users! Bon Jovi just launched a new Facebook app that could help you win 4 lower-bowl tickets to any US date on The Circle Tour, plus $2000 for travel and spending money! Simply go to Bon Jovi’s Facebook page and become a fan. Then, click on the tab called “Promotions.” Add the app to your profile and get as many friends as you can to do the same. The person who gets the most people to add the app to their profiles will win!
This sweepstakes is open to US residents only and ends on January 20th. Good luck!
1. Click Here or visit
and use code TOFINAL11.
2. Call (212) 947-8844 and use code TOFINAL11.
3. Bring this page to theNew World Stages Box Office
340 West 50th Street (Between 8th and 9th Aves).*$1.50 dollar facility fee included. This offer is valid for select performances thru 1/3/10 and is subject to availability. Not valid on prior purchase. Offer cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions; blackout dates and restrictions may apply. Limit eight (8) tickets per order. No refunds or exchanges. Offer may be revoked at any time.
Bon Jovi Fans: The Band Will Answer Your Video Questions On Air Tomorrow Night!
Posted by Sara Schaefer December 8, 2009 3:00 PM
Attention all Bon Jovi fans!!! The entire band is on the show tomorrow night, and they'll be answering some of your video questions! Don't miss this chance to sort of make eye contact with Bon Jovi through your television/computer screen.
Jonny was at the Giants v. Dallas game this past Sunday!
Someone please buy the man a new hat... I'm willing to ante up my share of the cost! :)
And a big thanks to my favorite Kiwi for sending this pic along.
Jon Bon Jovi helps open HELP Genesis JBJ Soul Homes in Newark
Posted by Shawn Simons/ The Star-Ledger on December 8, 2009 at 05:19 PM
Mayor Cory Booker and Jon Bon Jovi cut the ribbon to open HELP Genesis JBJ Soul Homes in Newark's North Ward. This 51 unit apartment building provides community computer labs, art gallery, graphics facility and an environmentally-friendly "green" roof to its residents many of whom will have some special need. The Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation and HELP USA provided most of the funding for this development.(Video by Shawn Simons/The Star-Ledger)
Jon Bon Jovi helps open HELP Genesis JBJ Soul Homes in Newark |
David Bryan just wants people to sing the songs he writes
You can take the guy out of New Jersey, but it doesn't necessarily work the other way around.
That's something you clue into pretty quickly after meeting David Bryan.
Most of the world knows the guy with the mane of curly blond hair as the awesomely skilled keyboard player of Bon Jovi.
But these days, he's also enjoying his career as a songwriter for Broadway musicals, most notably The Toxic Avenger (now on stage in a Dancap Production at the Danforth Music Hall) and Memphis (packing them in on the Great White Way in a show choreographed by Toronto's Sergio Trujillo). And no matter what he's doing, he's proud of his roots in Edison, N.J.
"I think growing up in the shadow of New York shaped me for life," says Bryan, relaxing in the balcony of the Music Hall, "Hey, you come from Jersey, you get used to being dumped on by the big city.
"We'd go swimming on the shore when I was a kid and we'd have f--king medical waste everywhere. I'm not kidding. Plastic tampon applicators would get stuck on your nose. We called them Jersey Trout."
It's easy to see how life lessons like that might warp a guy's sensibilities to the point that when he returned at the age of 45 to write a musical set in his home state, it would include songs with titles like "Hot Toxic Love," "Kick Your Ass" and "Bitch/Slut/Liar/Whore."
What's interesting is how and why musical theatre finally entered the life of a guy with 25 years of rocking and rolling with one of the world's best-known bands under his belt.
"My rite of passage as a white Jewish kid in Edison didn't include growing up on musicals, with the sole exception of being taken to see Fiddler on the Roof for my bar mitzvah.
"When I was growing up, I had more comedy albums than musical ones. George Carlin, Cheech and Chong, Steve Martin, Richard Pryor, those were my main men."
He proudly quotes what he calls "the rankest joke of my youth:" "I wanted to kiss a girl where it stinks, so I took her to New Jersey."
While reporting his offbeat comic taste, Bryan modestly leaves out the 13 years he spent studying classical piano at Julliard and the 4.0 GPA he was pulling down in pre-med at Rutgers when John Bon Jovi first came a-calling.
And from the release of 1986's Slippery When Wet, all thoughts of comedy, classical music or medicine went out of Bryan's head.
"But by the time 1998 rolled around, I was writing a lot of songs on my own and placing them with publishing companies, but it took so damned long for anyone to record them. Then one day my publisher said `What about musicals?' `What about them?' I asked right back, deeply suspicious.
"He said, `When you've got a musical, people are singing 20 of your songs eight times a week.' I admitted that sounded good to me, but I had to figure out how to do it."
The difference between composing cuts for a rock CD and compiling a Broadway score at first seemed monumental to Bryan.
"When you write for a band or for yourself, it's like you're writing down all your hopes and dreams, but when you've got a musical, you have a story and a character has to go from point A to point B and have it all make sense."
He got a crash course in how to do it when he met up with Joe DiPietro, another Jersey boy (this one from Teaneck). DiPietro already had a smash off-Broadway musical review to his credit (I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change).
They worked out a modus operandi which involved discussing the story, throwing out titles and having Bryan come up with hooky melodies to fit those titles.
"A repeatable title phrase with a melody that sticks in your head," is how Bryan writes his songs and before you mock it, remember that was exactly the same tactic that Cole Porter employed.
DiPetro and Bryan actually started working on another show called Memphis years before The Toxic Avenger. It was about a white DJ in 1950s Tennessee who brought black music to all audiences.
After six years and four out of town productions, it finally opened on Broadway in October to respectable reviews and enthusiastic houses. Its message of tolerance is close to Bryan's heart, even thought colour wasn't the issue in his case.
"I grew up as one of the few Jews in Edison and I had people tell me they hated me because of my religion. And I would say, `Yeah? Well, I'm a big, tall, tough Jew and I'll knock you the f--k out.
So Bryan is wearing two hats on his considerable head of hair: one as a rock musician, one as a Broadway composer – and he doesn't intend to give either up.
"I'm in a very successful band. We all love each other. It ain't ever breaking up. I also have a terrific hobby that became a full-time job.
"My only problem? There's not enough time to sleep in my world."
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